Here is a very useful tip. Abide by it at your own peril.
No one. Literally NO ONE on this forum, another one or even a friend will tell you ~how to make money~
Everyone. Literally EVERYONE will try to sell you something one way or another to ~make them money~
There are very few who are successful in internet marketing strictly by seo and some sketchy bot.
There are very few who are successful in legit White Hat Seo and internet marketing.
For the most part those who are making a living or made it big with internet marketing are
1. Those with AWESOME ORIGINAL CONTENT! - This is the only way legitimately and you don't need hardly any seo or I.M. skills if your content is amazing it will grow itself and you will figure out the rest.
2. Those that SCAM newbies with gigs promising adsense $$ or amazing seo packages. Those that SCAM newbies and veterans with educational products - ebook , webinar, paid blackhatseo forum promising a life of luxury sitting in your boxers making millions.
3. 1337z0R Hackers (that are not afraid to use their skills for $$$) that know how to do some seriously awesome things in the terminal. These guys are at the top and literally rake in more in a few hours then 99% of BHW members will in a lifetime combined.
and .. there are those that might make a quick buck with launch jacking,arbitrage, lead gen, cpa, local seo ext... all these require a good deal of hustle and are quick fixes none are long term and you never make consistent $$... it's just like a sales job honestly.
You will not get a better answer then this..
Like I said
Abide by it at your own peril
No idea why I gave you this advice.. I just felt like it. Consider yourself lucky.