New Macbook Pro Retina - What do you think ?


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Pretty self-explanatory, what do you think about Apple's new power machine. Hefty price tag sure, but a laptop like this (provided that you bulk up to 16GB of ram) could probably last me 2-4 years.

What do you think, is it worth it, too expensive, not worth it and so on...
Expensive piece

Not worth it man. A dell ultrabook or alienware laptop would do you more good.
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Expensive piece

Not worth it man. A dell ultrabook or alienware laptop would do you more good.

Serious ?

Most of the reviewers that got it and made reviews about it mostly gave it "best laptop ever" awards apart from the fact that you can't repair or replace a single part of it yourself.

Personally the only thing I don't like about it is the price tag, which is hefty but your comparison doesn't hold water. Alienware is the biggest piece of shit I have ever used, whoever says that Apple hardware is overpriced junk has never used that Alienware stuff.

Nothing on the market compares to the new Retina display, but that might not be very important for most people, if you're looking for laptops to compare, aside from the Apple family I would look at some of the higher tier Sony laptops or maybe even a good Dell but NEVER, EVER should anyone buy an Alienware!
Already have a late 2011 Macbook Pro and I don't see myself upgrading anytime soon but I do like the new Retina Macbook Pro as it supports 16GB of RAM (mine has a max of 8GB and I'd like to run multiple Virtualbox machines).

I'll most likely just get a new iMac
Already have a late 2011 Macbook Pro and I don't see myself upgrading anytime soon but I do like the new Retina Macbook Pro as it supports 16GB of RAM (mine has a max of 8GB and I'd like to run multiple Virtualbox machines).

I'll most likely just get a new iMac

For you of course it doesn't make sense to upgrade :)

I currently have a bit older Macbook Pro and for upgrading I personally only see 2 options:

1) New Macbook Air 13" with max RAM - My work basically just involves a browser with 20-30 tabs (usually much less if I have to focus on something, only 1-2) and an instance of Parallels that runs some SEO software (though most of my stuff runs on a VPS) and some other windows only software

2) The Retina Display Macbook Pro - This one is less likely solely because of the weight and price tag, I currently have a 15" Macbook Pro and I think that the 13" would be perfect for me.

If you want my recommendation and that's what I'm gonna do, if you don't do any heavy stuff (video rendering, high on Photoshop stuff, 3D animation) the best approach (in my opinion of course) is just to get a powerful Macbook and hook it up with a monitor and then use it in clamshell mode

Instead of spending a lot of money on two computers you get the best bang for the buck and you have great usability as well, that's at least what I'm going to do.

Of course if you don't need portability at all, iMac makes sense.
If you want my recommendation and that's what I'm gonna do, if you don't do any heavy stuff (video rendering, high on Photoshop stuff, 3D animation) the best approach (in my opinion of course) is just to get a powerful Macbook and hook it up with a monitor and then use it in clamshell mode

Not if it has an i7 on it :o It gets too hot and may damage its own screen. Did I mention it also makes too much noise when the fans kick in? :)
Already have a late 2011 Macbook Pro and I don't see myself upgrading anytime soon but I do like the new Retina Macbook Pro as it supports 16GB of RAM (mine has a max of 8GB and I'd like to run multiple Virtualbox machines).

I'll most likely just get a new iMac

You fit 16gb in the 2011 MacBooks, you just need to replace with 2 8gb sticks there is a company which sells a kit but can't remember their name off top of my head
its crack. The laptop will last you 4 years and is worth it.
I still use a Macbook white from 2007 without a single problem guys!

Macs are super duper damn good machines and with OSX they are times better than pc's with the same specs...

I wish I had a retina mac tomorrow at my front door waiting to open it!
I still use a Macbook white from 2007 without a single problem guys!

Macs are super duper damn good machines and with OSX they are times better than pc's with the same specs...

I wish I had a retina mac tomorrow at my front door waiting to open it!

I've still got 2 24" 2.5Ghz iMacs from 2006! With 4GB ram they run great, nothing better than being surrounded by huge screens.
And a 2008 17" macbook pro
+4 iPhones, 2 iPads & literally a draw of iPods :)
I think the real discriminator here is the retina display. Will it make a big enough difference to justify the cost? For me, since I do a lot of photography, the answer would be yes. Only you can make that call. BTW I am still running a 2007 MacBook Pro 17" with no problems or performance issues.
Expensive piece

Not worth it man. A dell ultrabook or alienware laptop would do you more good.
100% Agree. I like macs but it's highly overpriced. I would take dell ultrabook + Linux instead.
I been buying like 500$ laptops every year since forever, so don't see myself dropping $2200-$2800 on a laptop. However, usage of iphone for few years now and ipad recently, makes it very tempting.
Get it! I'm probably never getting another windows based laptop again. Every one I've had something goes wrong within 1-2 years. Had my macbook for 4 years and still running strong. You are paying a premium but I feel its justified.
nothing special about the display if your not doing heavy video or graphic editing. it only looks more clearly and define when you zoom in. Thats what the retina is about when you zoom in a pic or video it does not blur
I would hold my horses on any new technology. Its like anything else with apple, most of the sticker price is trendy or cool way of paying for the cult and name. No doubt there are fine machines but just over valued inmho.

I once bought a Vaio for $3000 it lasted about 1 year before screen broke, few other issues and it finnaly got smashed against a wall 1 year later. That's when I bought a toshiba for $600 and it has twice as good specs as the sony had. Technology adances very fast.

So in general you should not waste money on a brand, you could buy something much cheaper and use the diference for marketing / investing. That is unless you are really an Apple guy in which case you will buy it anyways.

have fun either way :-)
One thing no one's talking about on this thread is the lack of ability to repair it. iFixIt is calling it unrepairable.

Read more about the story here:

That's the worst part of it. I love the specs, but the lack of ability to upgrade the ram, SSD, or even screen if something breaks is a HUGE turnoff. That helps Mac make sure that you buy the protection plan, but what happens after that expires? You are fucked if something goes wrong with it.
f the cost, im a boss, boss tycooooonnnn

get it.

(This post was done for purely comical input, I do like the new MacBook Pro. I think its aesthetics and thin new body kill the previous ones, expensive yes, but put your hands on it and you'll feel the love.)
One thing no one's talking about on this thread is the lack of ability to repair it. iFixIt is calling it unrepairable.

Read more about the story here:

That's the worst part of it. I love the specs, but the lack of ability to upgrade the ram, SSD, or even screen if something breaks is a HUGE turnoff. That helps Mac make sure that you buy the protection plan, but what happens after that expires? You are fucked if something goes wrong with it.

Yeah it's pretty dumb that you can't fix the damned thing. Apple is so shameless in their aggressive pursuit of profits.