New facebook bot


Regular Member
May 14, 2010
Reaction score
The lads over at have added FB functionality to their bot suite. I've bought a copy and it looks decent so far. I'm going to take it through the paces this week and see what's up.

Anyone else buy a copy?
ruworth - they have a working demo, check it out at
have to check this out... FFB is having problems with captcha so hopefully this bypasses it really :)
Nice will need to check this out! Working on my free facebook account creator as well. Always looking for building blocks to build up my knowledge of what ppl need with regards to facebook marketing tools.

Devil, I'll have that freebie FB Creator when it's ready....please!
Devil, I'll have that freebie FB Creator when it's ready....please!

Your welcome to opt into my mailing list on www*facebookdevil*c0m. I plan on giving it out for free here in the download section on this forum. You can check it out on youtube if you interested in seeing what it looks like.
I downloaded it but only got the myspace version ?? or i could not work out how to change it to facebook
I wonder is there a nulled version running around? Seen it before but it's been a while...
They seem to still be updating their site, a few bugs here and there. The one you want to download is V 3.2. And, you have to plugin an actual FB account to get the FB features to work. It may appear to be MySpace only at first, but it isn't.

These guys are worth looking at. I've been using their stuff for MySpace since 2005, and their updates are great. Also, they seem to be from an Eastern Bloc country, so FB will not be able to scare them. On the con side, it HAS taken them forever to release their FB bot, but they always stay on top of things once it's done.
ALmost forgot.......if youtake a good look, you will see that this is Java-based....meaning that this is effectively the first Facebook Bot for the MAC
finally a facebook bot for mac, Spyder has one called Flirt but its in Beta and only open to Elite members (Im a pro)
what benefit of bot, as facebook everyday hammering a lot? Do any other person facing friend request problem or i am alone in this world?