Need your Expert Advice Guys


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Dec 26, 2015
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this is my competitor, they are using black hat tactics and some how there url are always on top page of google everyday, try searching quickbooks keywords for us...

I am continuously researching for this but unable to find how they are doing.

please help and give your suggstin am loosing my work and my white hat seo is failing


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With that there will be a mix of blackhat, and sheer luck. It's not going to be easy/possible to just come in and be the definition match of that keyword. You should look for alternative avenues like through video and content marketing to get ranked well for other related terms.

You could add 100 pbn links, and you have no gurantee that you will appear as definition, so it's kind of pointless to expect that it is somehow reachable. You'll just be giving yourself false hope.
You are not going to outrank "Intuit" for Quickbooks as they are the makers of Quickbooks.
but they are doing this, posting on wiki sites an tripadvisor nd updating those url in google every day, this is possible i will keep on looking for this techncque
i am not talking about intuit, it is a third party who are doing this try by yourself an check there fraud site filled with all keywords only
same question, but how they are doing it, i am confused.. loosing my business with this, how do we counter ths ny suggestion
same question, but how they are doing it, i am confused.. loosing my business with this, how do we counter ths ny suggestion

Look at the sites they are using, high authority sites like Trip Advisor.
Treat that as your parasite, create numerous accounts and spam the shit out of them.

Remember those people aren't trying to rank a website they are just trying to get the Support Telephone Number to show up in the Knowledge Graph.
Use churn n burn/rank n bank spam to rank the parasite page.

That is my interpretation, might be wrong, don't have time to test it.
i know that, i am trying to find out which is the best software to use it,
its been 2 weeks i am trying to crack this technique but failing

any tool u can suggest i will try and test and post the result here

which can help many other guys like me
In the OP you said you are using WH SEO, that just isn't going to cut it.
Looking at those keyword stuffed parasite pages it looks like basic BH techniques are sufficient.
An account creator + Scrapbox and GSA SER will probably be all you need.

First you need to understand what Google looks for in Knowledge Graph Inclusion
Then possible ways of using BH techniques and Spam
Then an understanding of ranking parasite pages, (remember you are trying to rank the telephone number to appear in the knowledge graph, not a website, you will be using the parasite pages authority)

I do not know if this is how they are doing it and I don't have time to test it but I think this should work.
nitesh.katoch S.kpe id please add and i will try this and update the result, but i must say these guys are best they get there comments index like in 15 minutes, i have seen there post on google update 4 mintues ago... i cant believe are they best or very smart
nitesh.katoch S.kpe id please add and i will try this and update the result, but i must say these guys are best they get there comments index like in 15 minutes, i have seen there post on google update 4 mintues ago... i cant believe are they best or very smart

Those pages only seem to last 24-48 hours so you need to be quick next time you see one and then try to reverse engineer what they are doing.
Buy some proxies and create 10 accounts on each of the parasites then use Google Cache and copy their posts just changing the telephone number from theirs to yours.
You will need to test and experiment to crack it.
Update the thread if you solve it.
i have done that, but cant get google to index my post that quick nd even google index it shows at 3 or 4 page of google not helping
i have done that, but cant get google to index my post that quick nd even google index it shows at 3 or 4 page of google not helping

Just did a search for "quickbooks telephone support"
This was #10
If you search the link there is only the original result

If you search the telephone number you will see it is mass spammed on numerous parasites. (Use the same parasites)
nitesh.katoch spkpe add me there, lets work on this together hope we find a solution and can help others..

its eating my head i mean seriosuly i am trying everything but these guys post never goes away and gets updated every 15 mintues
u will not believe these guuys get these post updated on diffrenet sites in 15 minutes.. these guys are amazing r they have the best tool for this..
also if you check most of the pages have removed therecontent but these are the cached google links and are still getting indexed
just see in your images, 43 mintues ago, 50 mintues ago how they are doing it
@ nk00013

It might help if you detail step by step what you are currently doing then we might be able to see where you are going wrong.

How many accounts are you using?
How long do the accounts last?
How many parasites?
What pages are you spamming?
How often are you spamming?
What do your posts look like?

The more information that you can provide the easier it should be to identify where the problem is.

The whole point of using the parasite is to hijack the sites authority, as for indexing those parasites should index faster as they will be constantly crawled.
tried gsa ser,scaprebox for commenting but no good result, backlinks indexer, also tried link robot but no result