Need VERIFIED Amazon reviews - Payment: $10 + book purchase!

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Regular Member
Dec 21, 2014
Reaction score
Well you can't beat this deal. Not bad for a few minutes of your time.

I'll even provide a review you can just copy 'n paste after you buy the book.

Verified Amazon review gets you $10+.99 cent book purchase = $10.99 sent to your PayPal, fees covered by me. Payment sent after review is posted on Amazon.

I'm paying extra to attract people who know what they are doing and have a good Amazon account. PM and I'll send details. I'd like to build up m iTrader score, too, so rest assured you will be paid!

NOTE: DO NOT PM UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS AND READY TO GO. I only need about 5 reviews at first.
I can help you with the reviews. Please let me know how many reviews are you looking for. I have plenty of account that I can use to post reviews for you. All of my accounts are authenticate (non VCC) and have plenty of products. So let me know at:

skype: sarah kooper (Frankfort)
email: [email protected]
Please add me on skype.I'm very much interested .I have a good aged account.
Very interested in helping you out, I have a top 1,000 Reviewer Ranking Amazon can reach me on here via PM or Skype - rookinvestments
I'd be interested, 15+ year old Amazon account. Add me on Skype: DaveAmazonReviews

I have account and team and made many purchases and Review also need lots then i will , PM me if you still need reviews or Feature skype " sarkarzm21 "
PM me i have a huge network of guys doing reviews for me on my products
Offer still open? I have old a/c with good purchase history. PM me the details
Misunderstanding resolved. Thanks dude.
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Hey, I posted your review 2 days ago and have PMd you twice since then, can you pls respond to me and maybe pay me?
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