Need ubot coder for twitter & pinterest


Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
I need to develop 2 ubot software.

Very simple job

Twitter :

=> I will login to my account
=> I will put an username . The bot will scrape the "Followers" & "Followings" under that username & save in a txt file.
=> The next thing the bot will have to do is follow users. I will load the txt file containing usernames that I scraped earlier and click the follow button. After that my account will start following the users.
=> Unfollow option : I will load a txt file containing usernames. After clicking the "Unfollow" button the bot will start unfollowing users.

Pinterest :

=> I will login to my account
=> I will put an username . The bot will scrape the "Followers" & "Followings" under that username & save in a txt file.
=> The next thing the bot will have to do is follow users. I will load the txt file containing usernames that I scraped earlier and click the follow button. After that my account will start following the users.
=> Unfollow option : I will load a txt file containing usernames. After clicking the "Unfollow" button the bot will start unfollowing users.

Some points : There need to be a pause after each action I will be able to control how much seconds the bot will pause after each action.

Budget : $20 for both the bot. The developer will have the rights to sell the bots to other later if he/she wants.

please let me know. sk_(y)_pe : soundcloud.warrior

Have the twitter scraper and follower/unfollower available but you'll need to adjust your budget quite a bit.

$20 for 2 pieces of bespoke software you want to use commercially is WAY too low.
It's actually quite simple. I made uBot software with loads of more custom feature at similar to this price. The problem is I am not getting my coder [ Who did my previous bots ] online now days. I even deposited money into his account as upfront. But whatever I actually make bots on ubot very often. Lots of ideas run through my heads and I am pretty much lazy to work on them. So guess how much bots I make per month :p :p. Believe me I considered to learn Ubot coding by myself but again I AM LAZY. ha ha ha
So you are a bot creator yourself?

If its not worth $10 to do it yourself why should somebody else feel differently?
I will pay the same amount for the pinterest bot.. sounds very intresting
>" I made uBot software with loads of more custom feature at similar to this price. "

No you didn't.
the code in ubot would only be a few lines..
it's not like hes asking a ton of work to be done for $10/bot.
So you are a bot creator yourself?

If its not worth $10 to do it yourself why should somebody else feel differently?

no I am not bot creator. I said I developed lots of ubot by developers in past. The idea was mine I just gave the developer instruction to develop it
you obviously don't use ubot dev.

And you obviously don't speak English.

A few is generally regarded as 3

3 lines of code for a scraper, follower/unfollower that writes results to a text file?

You're completely full of shit.
And you obviously don't speak English.

A few is generally regarded as 3

3 lines of code for a scraper, follower/unfollower that writes results to a text file?

You're completely full of shit.

Sorry I didn't realize I was speaking to such a lil punk,
I'm simply stating that it does not take much to create what hes asking for.
If you don't want to take him up on his offer for $20 then why the hell are you trolling his thread?

I'm not going to continue going back and forth with you. Keep this dudes thread clean of trolling.
Feel free to send your comments to me via PM so people don't have to see the useless post.

Sorry I didn't realize I was speaking to such a lil punk,
I'm simply stating that it does not take much to create what hes asking for.
If you don't want to take him up on his offer for $20 then why the hell are you trolling his thread?

I'm not going to continue going back and forth with you. Keep this dudes thread clean of trolling.
Feel free to send your comments to me via PM so people don't have to see the useless post.


If it really did only take 3 lines of code you could have easily sorted him out and pocketed a crisp $20.

Im not trolling his thread, I told him exactly what I have available to suit his needs and then suggested that mountains won't move for twenty bucks. It was a kind suggestion, not a sales pitch.
If it really did only take 3 lines of code you could have easily sorted him out and pocketed a crisp $20.

Im not trolling his thread, I told him exactly what I have available to suit his needs and then suggested that mountains won't move for twenty bucks. It was a kind suggestion, not a sales pitch.

Dont click 'Thanks' when i went out of my way to call you an idiot.