Need someone to do a few changes on Wordpress site


Power Member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys

Need a few changes made to my site. They are pretty easy fix's but i'd rather have someone else with more exerance deal with it.

They are:
1. need to make header wider. Same as the width of the site. 1000px. I cant seem to make the header show the same size as the width of the site.
2. Make the header a clickable link to the homepage. Again I think this one is easy.
3. Put the privacy policy and sitemap in the footer.
4. Put the social icons (facebook, twitter and G+1) above the content horazontial. I have 3 plugins, twitter, facebook and +1 and i want the icons to show above the content, but it stacks the icons verticaly pushing the content down. I want it to show side by side.
5. I need one of the catagories fixed. I cant change the name of one of teh catagories.

PM me if youcan do this and also shoot me a price. I would like to do this within the next 24hours. I will pay via paypal.

Many thanks
send me a pm and I'll send over my skype and we can chat.
PMed you some contact details so we can get started.
pm'd you artizhay let me know what you think. cheers
This is harder than i thought it would be!

It seems aking for a price is too difficult a question!?!?!
i think this is post in wrong section, Mod please move this post to its appropriate section, i think "Hire a Freelancer" section to be moved.