Need some accountability so here I go

Do I make the Ads for the offer or use the money to get that google non profit grant.

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Nov 3, 2022
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Hey everyone I'm slap!

I'm just like everyone else here but guess what! Ima do things a little bit differently! Get ready for a story unfold because I'ma throw everything at the wall. Nothing basic either. I want the hacks and you do too. For this I found that there is ways to make money fast. That is the ability to sell. All scammers and con-artist does this all the time. Guys what happens if I can sell a product that I know that is completely untapped. Well I did! but we are gonna start from zero. This service is super untapped tho I haven't seen it elsewhere. But there is one way I plan on marketing that makes all the differences. Local or online. See people see online as the end all be all but if you have the right technique that can really draw in views which I know I can then the money will work.

Plan A: Affiliate offer !
This is my main plan to fund my venture. I have a local affiliate offer and Ima use DM ( Direct Mail) ads to get to them. I will get 200+ per business that signs up with me. I'ma start small at 40 for 296 people. If I can get 10% (29.6 but lets round up to 30) to buy I'll be up $6,000. This isn't a scam but a niche of marketing yet to be mastered to the fullest. Sports marketing. And hopefully by starting like this I can grow. Now why mail? Mail is more interactive and I can use the numbers of my teams to make deals with businesses by lumping the teams in to one package or by themselves.

well right now isn't really Day 1 yet as im waiting on my first emergency payment (EP) of the challenge. EP's are always under 100 and can't be all the time. (NP) is income or profit. and (EX) is expenses are all my losses. Its really that easy.

EP: +$75
More that enough

Step 1!
I need a website.
I need a website because Google Non-profit program. As non-profit staff you can get paid as long as its fair. Now trust me I know its tuff going thru that route but trust me this is how ima move throu it.
Nothing expensive yet. Google doesn't care.

Step 2
I need to make a choice.
Do I make the Ads for the offer or use the money to get that google non profit grant. Because if you look at I get more money upfront with google to then use to promote my non-profit and either sell to raise money, get donations , fundraisers etc. or get started with the ad for the sports company im working for?

Step 3
use My trust account and make sure I study legal structures to slow as much tax bleeding as possible.
well the less I spend the better

Step 4
make money,

Ima give the poll until 3 in my time before I make a move!
Wow! Good luck with your journey! And if you need help building your website, count me in!

I’ll follow your work. Thanks for sharing