need hosting

try x10hosting
they are free and i know they have php and mysql check it out
Mate,try .They are free,and quite fast.I'm using them for my microniches and so on...
You are looking for free only? If you can afford you can go for wooservers.
Thanks guys will trying later more offers ?
i can sort out free hosting if you are interested, ill do 1st month free. add me on skype if you are interested:

Skype id : no1hosts

I think you may try some of EIG brands they would fit for $1 for first year, though I would recommend chatting with their sales to get cleared if you can get your requirements with them.
Free Hosting

"No Ads"

Disk space 10GB
Bandwidth 100GB
MySQL 5 Database Server yes
PHP 5 yes
ionCube Loaders v3.3.20 yes
cURL yes
Custom Cron jobs yes
Web SSH console yes
GD yes
Hotlinking protection yes
.htaccess support yes
Customizable Error Pages yes
Zend Optimizer v3.3.9