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[NEED HELP] With xRumer and pligg sites - $ to be made


Elite Member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I need help. I tried teaching xRumer to post on pligg sites. The registration rate is okay, however the posting rate sucks and is only around 2-3% + xR doesn't scrape the right URLs. If you have knowledge regarding xRumer and can help me implement the changes to the xas files and get this mod working, hit me up via PM.

I'd be willing to pay or give you a free run of other backlinks.

I to have never had a big % rate with pligg / blog sites, but its better than nothing what i do get :)

Your best of making a top textcaptcha.txt and trading for a mod as most peeps dont want cash, also you would not have to submit your edits to the server coz for 100 points you get the latest list

Hope this helps and g/l on the mod
What do you mean by "the latest list" ? Where can I get it or who should I contact?

Thanks for the response!
Try to purchase a Mod for pligg..there are many Mod providers.
I have a mod, but the success is very limited. Can you recommend one that I could contact?
You have to wait for next update. Botmaster promised pligg support in next release this month.
But today is last day of the month already. He won't make it again.
Does Autopligg still work? I too do wish Xrumer starts supporting pligg sites, as it's really powerful software otherwise and can defeat captchas too.
I made a pligg mod with a decent success rate, I've got a filtered linkslist of 1800 pligg sites to go with it as well.
I made a pligg mod with a decent success rate, I've got a filtered linkslist of 1800 pligg sites to go with it as well.

A decent success rate of what, registration or posting or both? And what numbers are we talking about wrt the success rate?
Rate of posting, 15-20% success rate. You've got to do one run registering, then when you have the registered accounts list you change the /login page to the home page, still with U: and P: details, then run it using that list in posting on behalf of previously registered user mode. I've got the mod, made it a few months ago but I never use it. It's as large a success rate as you're gonna get with XR/Pligg.
Did you try it with xR 7.09 ? And do you mean 1800 successfull posts or registrations?
Posts. I use xr 7 beta 5. Pligg is a lot like forums. You have to filter. But I kept the filtered list of course, some of them will be dead as I made the mod months ago. When I was making the mod one thing I noticed was the activation link and hence the entry link that goes in the registered accounts is usually /login.php or /login, when in fact you need the root domain. i.e. http://root-domain.com U:[username] P:[password]. So you just 1. run and register, then get your registered accounts and edit it so that you've got the root domains followed by U: P: in the above format, then you switch to post on behalf of registered user, and truly successful posts are marked by /upcoming OR /upcoming.php in the output URL. (Don't trust XR 'success' reporting, it's so inaccurate, but the /upcoming method is 100% accurate.)
Thank man, how do you edit them easily to the root domain after the registrations?
Notepad++ Replace feature, delete all /login.php and /login so that you only have to root domain. I haven't tested the xr 709 pligg mod so I'm not sure that it can post. But you can try. However when I made my mod, I knew that you had to do it in 2 steps, and edit the registered accounts file before you run the second phase (posting phase).
You mean actually using the registered accounts text file as a LinksList? i.e. rename it to LinksList id10 and run it with posting on behalf of prev. registered user? Trying that now.. Thanks.
Yes, the file in the format hxxp://www.site.com U:[username] P:[password] can always be used as a linkslist to post as a previously registered user. That's what the registered accounts list is for. However the posting success depends on what botmaster has done for the pligg support. It may be unable to post. A quick tip - when the output url shows /upcoming or /upcoming.php = true success. /submit or /submit.php means that it got to the first or second stage of story submission, but that it didn't fully post/get to the end.