Need Help with WordPress


Power Member
Dec 6, 2017
Reaction score

I need to create "action button" in this place to redirect clients to my websites page where they will be able to see all our colors in full view.


Is it possible to do it?
Are you using WooCommerce?
You should be able to write raw html to the description and add a button that way, while the solution with the plugin from @Festinger would be much better if you want to use it on regular base
You should be able to write raw html to the description and add a button that way, while the solution with the plugin from @Festinger would be much better if you want to use it on regular base
That's exactly that plugin which I'm using but I can not find how I would be able to insert link in the text
That's exactly that plugin which I'm using but I can not find how I would be able to insert link in the text
Have you tried what others have recommended, i.e. adding raw code like
<a href="/pathto/page.html">Click here</a> for a preview of all our colors.
if you want it to look more like a button you can add a class or id to the a tag and style it with css.