need help with website speed

What host are you on? Looks like your server is taking 4.7 seconds to respond. Everything else checks out. Send me a PM and we'll get it fixed.
I clicked on some of the images... it gives me a 404

and you are right.. it takes a while to upload.

who is your hosting company?
If it's not your hosting and you are running wordpress, you can use plugins like Super Cache, Minify, etc to speed up your site.
dude, i gotta tell you. (this is not me). i hired this dude for 5 dollars and then i just copied what he did on my other sites. this guy acts like he is getting paid 100 dollars; his name is "surfacing" in fiverr and you can copy what he does on your shared hosting account on your other sites. he increased my speed . . . i don't know, 300%. check him out, i tipped him 3 gigs cause he worked for like 3 days on my shit.
If it's not your hosting and you are running wordpress, you can use plugins like Super Cache, Minify, etc to speed up your site.

I added the 2 plugins and it helped, cut the load time a bit, but still slow
I added the 2 plugins and it helped, cut the load time a bit, but still slow

W3 total Cache plugins helps to increase blog speed but despite it, your blog is taking much time to load then should talk with webhost.
You have a pagespeed score of 31/100. That's very slow.
- Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their transfer size by 507.5KiB (75% reduction).
- The host should enable Keep-Alive. It serves the following resources.
- The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiry of at least one week in the future for the following resources:

You should try it yourself and try to fix it. I don't know if it's easy with wordpress. Another thing I use and easy to setup: .
Ditch the host. Have the new host transfer the cpanel for you.
I have tried to improve my site's loading time and cant figure out the problem.

It is located at

If anyone can give me any advice or help, please do!

Thanks BHW friends

You might want to consider using a cache option to speed up the site load time; i have done a few test and the comparison can be seen over here:

Hope it is of help
Your hosts server is overloaded, on a shitty connnection or both. 3.5 seconds to deliver the 1st byte from the page. 2.5 seconds to deliver the page.
Find another hosting provider.
Everyone is going to say the exact same thing. CHANGE YOUR HOST.. ! That's the best you can do.