Need help with SEOLinkVine


May 6, 2010
Reaction score
I've been using SEOLinkVine for a couple of months now, does anybody know how to trace where did SEOLinkVine publishing articles that is being submitted by the user? SEOLinkVine will show you that your articles has been published for this number of times to different blog sites but they're not showing where it has been published or any direct link where it has been posted. I need proof that it's really been posted. I need help with this matter, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thanks!
I've been trying this out too with their combined SEOLinkVine/Niche Revolution/Simply PLR offer and I have to say I've yet to see ANY of the postings appear in the SERPs despite hundreds of apparent 'publishings'. At the same time my article directory postings are working like champs.

So, nice idea but it's basically a very convenient way of posting your content to an absolutely crap network of blogs. I won't be renewing once the combo period is over.
crap network indeed, i cancelled before the end of the month, i tried eliteseolinkvine also, also crap but higher priced crap

you may look for a phrase that is not spun or some other footprint in the article and search for that in google between brackets