Need help to upgrade my hosted Adsense

ruby in my heart

Registered Member
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,
First, Im sorry for posting here because Sub-forum Adsense closed.
Here is my story.
I got a hosted account via YT few days ago. But Im not tending to monitize YT. My aim is the content money. I got trouble when Google denied my website. So I post here with hope someone kind enough to let me place ads on his/her site to pass this one-step verification. Beside that, to express my appreciation, I will send you some money in my Paypal & 50% of my first payment also.
Any recommendation would be appreciated. Thank you :)

PS: If anyone get problem with registering new hosted account, just post here. Maybe I can help you :)
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Great offer lolz. ruby_in_my_heart I don't need money at all. I can help you little bit. You can add me on skype :- ashishs0036
Why google denied you website if . How much videos you have ?