Need help ASAP!!!!


May 30, 2014
Reaction score
I am buying a YouTube channel online from some guy I want to know the things I need to do or be on look for to be safe kindly explain everything so I won't lose my money.
Make sure you take a look at the channels analytics charts before you send any money.
ask him for access to the channel, you need to verify these are real subscribers and real views and they are not bought or faked, if they are you are buying junk and can never monetize it or use it for any good purposes..
First of all look if that channel has good social presence on FB and Twitter!
Also look if the views are real or not; this can be found out from daily analytic!
lastly make sure that subscribers are real!
the guy I am buying it from have 2 channels connected one with 1.77m followers the one I am buying have 330k subs both have 1-Fb with 498k & 1-twitter with 336k follow are connected on both channels so he is not selling fb & twitter with it.
can he confirm any income which is from the channel ?
He have send me screenshots of analytic and channel page it is monetized and partnered with Omina media have 28m+ views with 149m watch time joined in 2013
I think by keeping the social media accounts connected he can recover the youtube account.

I know with IG if you connect it to your facebook then you can get it reset at any time even if the user changes the username, password, and email.
Will remove the social media accounts from it definitely not sure what to do now also he is asking for euro=500 is it enough for channel like this ?
what should I change when I buy the channel on Google, YouTube & Omina Media kindly tell everything that needs to be changed or deleted & checked so he cannot scam me after paying him your help would be really appreciated

Thank you.