Need fiverr reviews 8$/order Minimum 5 order


Registered Member
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Everyone.

As title explains, i need fiverr reviews from a person who can deliver atleast 5 fiverr reviews from 5 different accounts.

So, anyone who can managed these reviews in 24 hours, kindly contact me in PM. and i will send him/her money via paypal.

waiting for response
why couldn't you buy one by one from different members here pm me if you want to buy my review for 1.50$
I have two account from completely different IPs if you want
I can deliver one review for 7$.PM me or add me on SKype if interested.
i can manage 5 easily..add me on skype:kreativesatya
I can give you fiverr reviews. Just add me on skype: ix_fedai_ix
If you still need so PM me . thanks
If you still need i can deleiverone so PM me . thanks
if the offer is still up for the fiverr reviews i would be more than happy to fill this order let me know how many accounts you need i can fill large orders if needed all legit also.