[NEED] Custom simple bot creator !!!URGENT!!!


Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there

im looking for some1 who will be able to create a custom bot for me
what that bot should do ? simple

there is store A which has around 2500 products, each have 3 photos,
i need bot which download that photo for me
and upload it automaticly into my store (B store) store is on PRESTA system

just photo transfering thing : )

hit me at pm with your email
i send you more info

Thanks in advance
can be done in .net ...let's discuss on skype : asianadroit
I think there is kevin and Patmiller user of BHW who do Best Bot Developments..See for Service section or search button for finding them..
i can customize your requirement with UBot send me PM
I can do this simple and low cost
let me know if you are interested :)
You can totally just rip the images, keeping the same url hotlinking page, and just paste it onto your website.

Simply use Axife Mouse recorder to automate what you simply did, it will allow you to record your movements, clicks, button presses, then repeat it over and over. You can even speed it up by 4X, just incase you were going too slow.

You can make this even easier by using AdBlockPlus in Firefox, as well as 'Element Hiding Helper' for AdBlockPlus, which will allow you to block specific HTML tags on a page, across the entire website. This is great if all you want to do is go to a page, Press CTRL + A, then CTRL + C, to copy everything, switch tabs, and paste it onto your website and post.

You can obviously do this by yourself, but you need brains to be able to make it efficient enough to have the least amount of work to produce what you want.

Good luck bud!
to OP, i found proper person, please close this topic, thanks all for attention
Ubot may be able to be used to create this. I know ubot pretty well but not a professional.
damn , refreshing topic, bot supplier at the end rise the price for 30% , i think its not right, any1 interested ?
and to all of you, be aware of "handmadebots" once he "done" his job (is he ? im not sure) he will reaise the final price by 30% or he wouldnot deliver his service, great job mate, after i wrote to him that im not interested becouse he raised the price , all i got in reply was "F*CK you buddy" pff STAY AWAY FROM HIM
Hahaha, you're a funny guy man. I did the project for a VERY SMALL price, and yes, I told you instead of $23 it will be $30, because it was more stuff than I thought. You sent me like 4 emails, lol. You should have waited for my email before choosing somebody else, because I was ok with the first price, since I already made the job for you. Of course I got pissed of since you haven't waited for my email.
and to all of you, be aware of "handmadebots" once he "done" his job (is he ? im not sure) he will reaise the final price by 30% or he wouldnot deliver his service, great job mate, after i wrote to him that im not interested becouse he raised the price , all i got in reply was "F*CK you buddy" pff STAY AWAY FROM HIM

Hahaha, you're a funny guy man. I did the project for a VERY SMALL price, and yes, I told you instead of $23 it will be $30, because it was more stuff than I thought. You sent me like 4 emails, lol. You should have waited for my email before choosing somebody else, because I was ok with the first price, since I already made the job for you. Of course I got pissed of since you haven't waited for my email.

This is interesting :D
Hahaha, you're a funny guy man. I did the project for a VERY SMALL price, and yes, I told you instead of $23 it will be $30, because it was more stuff than I thought. You sent me like 4 emails, lol. You should have waited for my email before choosing somebody else, because I was ok with the first price, since I already made the job for you. Of course I got pissed of since you haven't waited for my email.

im not funny but you are, i didnt force you to agree to that price, we set it before you made any job :23$ I have asked you before you made your job :do we have a deal : "yes we have" that was your answer, maybe its normal in your country to raise the price after you made job, but in mine not,

if we agred on one price at the beginng that stick to it,

good luck with fishing idiots here,

all people BE AWARE
if you like to waste your time with him then go ahead : )
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Topic can be finally closed,
i found a right person to that job, and he made excellent work

i would like to recommend schwarpitz, he did it Fast and cheap, very reliable person

thanks once again