Need Content Writer for Daily Work Monday through Friday


Junior Member
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
I need someone who is English speaking and fluent without all the grammatical errors most content writers have here.

I need someone to write articles for my website as directed either a positive article or a negative article

you need to have a VERY FIRM GRASP of the stock market etc because that is the topic you will be working with.

Some will be private stage companies, some publicly traded companies but I will give you one each day and tell you if you need to highlight the positive aspects of the company or the negative aspects.

If you can fit this bill I will need to see a sample both positive and negative sent to me on the following company. This will not be published. The person with the best one will get the job for as long as they want to keep it

articles will be roughly 500 words to600 words, need to be unique.

$10 per article (the sample you send will not be paid for)

The sample needs to be on

Gladstone Commercial Corporation

A positive and a negative

here is a good place to start the research
If you paid for samples I can do it. Add me Skype for quick conversation