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Need blackhat seo coz whitehat doesnt work


Junior Member
Nov 4, 2011
Reaction score
People all around said just build content and that will always help your seo.

I do everything that has to be done in ON PAGE SEO.

I have also added many unique articles to my site but this has given me only little traffic.

I would be thankful if some can guide me blackhat seo tricks or softwares that can just give me good ranking and traffic.

Thanking you,
really bro. wow, build some backlinks! there is no magical way to be #1. its not going to be one program or one service..well that depends on the keyword but u need to figure our your own plans bro

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Thanks bro.

I see many newer low quality sites (bad seo and lesser content than on my site) ranking abv me coz they did something external which i dint.

This is why i ask :)
Mm hmmm... Join the dark side you must... (in best Yoda accent)

Seriously, just read the forum for an hour a day for a month and you won't believe what you'll learn. But you need to try, test and measure for yourself to ever get to the next stage. Personal experience and empirical testing and analysis are the home of good SEO.

And really, there's no such thing as white/grey/black hat. You just do the SEO that's required for the market you're targeting...

Good luck!
Yes i guess big backlinking is what i must do.

People suggest many softwares on this forum but i want to buy one which can get me results plus not get me banned from serps.

Yes i guess big backlinking is what i must do.

People suggest many softwares on this forum but i want to buy one which can get me results plus not get me banned from serps.


You first need to understand that it's not the tool that will get you banned; it's the incorrect use of it...

Any tool if used in the wrong way will cause you problems. And the same tool will give you some great results if you learn how to use it properly. And that means both the mechanics of the software as well as the application of your SEO technique and strategy.
Getting ranked is a combination of blackhat and whitehat to make it stick.
Blackhat will shoot you up the rankings but without whitehat it gets harder and harder to stay there due the number of links you need to maintain.

Firstly learn scrapebox,if I had a choice of 1 blackhat tool,it would be scrapebox.It does alot more than it says on the tin.Again there is a learning curve to get the max out of scrapebox.
PR4-6 links are not hard to find with it,you will not find the exact method for these,nor will anyone show you,but once you reach a certain level with scrapebox it all clicks and they are quite easy to find.

Depending on the type of site you have adding too much content can be bad,yes you heard right.
Google is not stupid,if the niche your in mainly has static sites and you are constantly adding content that stands out for the wrong reasons.
Take local,a vast majority of sites remain untouched,maybe some pics added to the gallery so when someone comes along and is updating the site daily you're highly likely to get a manual review,that's fantastic if you are a genuine business,not so if you're site has any form of adsense or affil links.

Web 2.0's,this is where you should be adding your content often,don't link to your money site straight away take your time,I randomly add my site it could be weeks or even months but the web 2 is already a decent read for it's particular niche and I'll link to different sites in the niche first before linking to mine.
It's a slower process than senuke but ask yourself how much value is in a link which will never get updated again.Yes it's a link but for 500 poor quality(or no quality basically) web 2.0's one link from a decent,worked on web 2.0 will do more for your serps(whitehat!)

You can blast your web 2.0s with scrapebox,nothing major,I prefer to trickle links to them.I use majestic and when you look at some sites you can tell a mile off when they blasted.

I suggest you read these forums,I did when I first joined,I spent close to a month understanding different ideas and techniques.I have since refined these techniques to work well for me.

I would suggest building decent PR links first,these buffer your site to an extent when you start bringing the big guns for mass low pr links.
Vary your links.
web 2.0,comments,articles on different sites(not necessarily article directories),business directory sites,forums,are all necessary but in different amounts.

Most blackhat tools bring results,the problems rise when they are used without thinking,and usually,a post on bhw blames the tool.Yes occassionally a tool can go bad or the typeof links fall out of favour with google but this is where testing comes in.

You simply set up a site on it's own hosting,preferrably bought by a friend or a vcc and has no link to you.
You test your methods on this site,it's fun because it will get penalties,sandboxed and that's where you learn alot.
Google will remove penalties over time if the site warrant it.In fact if you sandbox a site and get the site out of it(even better a penalty) you've just learnt alot about how to link build in the first place so you don't get sandboxed!
People all around said just build content and that will always help your seo.

I do everything that has to be done in ON PAGE SEO.

I have also added many unique articles to my site but this has given me only little traffic.

I would be thankful if some can guide me blackhat seo tricks or softwares that can just give me good ranking and traffic.

Thanking you,

looks like he is a newbie and think that offpage seo is blackhat.
Welcome to Black Hat World. I suggest for you to hang out here as often as you can, start out by signing up for all the free back links you can and make a lot of friends. There are so many cool people here. Good luck!