Hi OP,
Why would such a question appeal to you when it is obvious in sightings? Trust me, a little research is the way to start an internet marketing journey, not by relying on others (no offense here).
Basically, it is broken down into 2 main components; Onpage + Offpage SEO
On-page : SEO is done on the respective pages in your website
Off-page : SEO is done outside of your website
Plugins :
On-page :
SEO - Yoast (many people here agree), Jetpack (personally using) or SEOpresser (ok-ok in my eyes)
Pings - Google XML Sitemap (crawler to rank it in Big G), Google Images Sitemap (mainly targets images website)
Removers - Remove Admin Footer & Bar (remove irritating issues), many removers available there (search them!)
Off-page :
Copy - WP-O-Matic (copy blog posts from other websites)
Do search for ping lists update 2013/2014 and place it inside Wordpress ping function.
Good Day,