Need Auto WP Tube creation Help!


Apr 4, 2009
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Hi friends, i want to create a Auto WP tube site. Example- or I collect the auto video fetching plugin and wptube theme. But, when i fetch video from any site, it shows "No photo". The video is fetched in my site but with blank picture. In read me file with wptube says- "Important: * To show thumbnails for flv embeded files, you must include a jpg file inside the folder where the flv file is located." That's mean, i need to give picture manually for video. But, then this site is not automatic. is their anyone can solve this problem, please? is their any script or plugin have, which will help to solve my problem? Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Everything is mentioned there. Just read carefully and try google. It is one of the easiest work of the work.
and if you cannt ask again on this thread. I will solve it.
Thanks for your reply. But, in read me file, i get manual system. I want to create auto video blog. My question is, How i add video thumbnails picture automatic in my auto video blog? Thanks! (i know, my english is very bad. I am sorry for this.)
i have also got the same problem! can someone please help me?
i dont mind doing it manually tho!
pls help!
Thank you!
Hi guys... Just make custom field "thumb" and post link to image... if you want auto blog... for wp-robot make custom field when you posting you tube videos with same name "thumb" and thumbnail as keyword... that's it