Need Articles in Exchange of Backlinks

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Elite Member
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
---- THREAD CLOSED 04/02/2014 ----

So i need well written, decently fast and English native speaking article writers.
I need articles for 10 of my blogs, for now, in the future there will be more. In total I need about 50 articles or more, 600-650 words.
In exchange for this i will provide you my link building services (we will discuss about your needs and other details via email)

Pm me if you are interested in this offer.

Sent you a PM. Interesting proposal that could work for both of us.
Thanks Marko....great meeting you and looking forward to working with you.
What package (of your services) do we get if we provide 50 articles?

You can get any of our packages in exchange for articles.
Check our thread, and PM me if you are interested, or simple post it here, and i will get back to you asap.

What niches? Tell me the niches you want content in and I might be interested.
Can you skype me some details? bhw.nicknicholas is the ID. I can show you some writing samples and we can discuss the details there.
Can you skype me some details? bhw.nicknicholas is the ID. I can show you some writing samples and we can discuss the details there.

Thank you for your interest.

Need 2 partners more.
PM me or post it here if you are interested.
For your market leader package how many articles (of US and UK native content) would you want?
Wait is this for blog network links, or just manually built links. I can do the deal if you are trading blog network links.
Damn I wish I could write

Thanks and REP to the op for coming up with a nice bartering method
I think there should be a bartering section on the forum
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