Need amazon reviews

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Power Member
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score

I need some reviews for my products on amazon. You can add me or pn me.
Also please just good reviews with some old amazon prime accounts would be nice.
Hit me up if you can the product as well.. i can provide video/text review for your products. i have a group of 30 peoples.
add me:kreativesatya
Thanks for your replays guys :) Gonna contact you.
Pm me if you are still hiring people. I have a verified amazon account with a good reputation and I also made around 20 reviews.
HI I can provide you prime amazon reviews I have a great network of people working for me Contact me or drop me a PM over here skype - shubham.chauhan526 Thanks
I can do this for you. I've provided both verified and unverified reviews, never taken down. Can't PM due to new account, but PM me if you still need help.
For any Amazon Review Add me on skype.

Each review $5
hi.....i can provide you the reviews .....i have a network of people who can get the job done.....if you are in need of my service PM me ......thanks
I have a 10 year old USA amazon account. I can do reviews. Let me know.

skype: pipmutant
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