My site has ONE backlink, yet it's PR3?


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I went on my site today, and just noticed my site has jumped from PR N/A to PR3, the only baclink is a... DP profile backlink ( LOL!! )

Does PR have ANY significance?
That's actually really surprising, especially if its only from one DP backlink.

Are you sure there aren't any other backlinks around somewhere? How are you checking your links?
How old is the site? There are other factors besides just backlinks.
That's actually really surprising, especially if its only from one DP backlink.

Are you sure there aren't any other backlinks around somewhere? How are you checking your links? only shows one which seems to be the best free backlink checker atm

How old is the site? There are other factors besides just backlinks.

the website is oldish, 3/4 years old. But I change it every 6 months or so. It does have 4000 pges indexed in google from various things I've installed on it, It's my... "playing around domain" :p
Good Stuff, I have a 6 week old WP Website that just jumped up to a PR3. :d.
It can happen one of my site is less then a year old and it has a pr4 with only like 18 backlinks, Its all about quality I think, I create about 50 post a day minimum
Often times there are other links that contribute to your PR, but are hard to find.


They are all good sources, but still sometimes miss links.

Also, what sapo said; it's about quality.
PR it's a bed time story for kids....stop looking at that. It's just a myth newbies consider
Ya, there are links you don't know about. Trust me.

The link checker your using is pretty flawed, check out the others that
Realign mentioned. There are a few decent onces to make up for the
closure of YSE.
I think you may be lucky for that when getting PR3 for your site at short time. But it depends on your domain age and the quality backlinks that you get for your website.
same with me...when i set up
i built one link to get it indexed and after 2 weeks i had a pr of 2.....
with one link from a bookmarking directory...strange
You can get PR1-PR3 without a single backlink if your site is big enough and your internal
link structure is smart. More than PR3 will require links...
Yes i have the similar, one of my micro niche sites with 2-3 articles inside and only few backlinks and few visits got PR1, and it's old only few months.

Kill me if i know how:)
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Well, I went on my site today, and just noticed my site has jumped from PR N/A to PR3, the only baclink is a... DP profile backlink ( LOL!! )

Does PR have ANY significance?

No significance whatsoever.
Me too, I have a brand new site with 0 backlink and it is PR2...
You can get PR1-PR3 without a single backlink if your site is big enough and your internal
link structure is smart. More than PR3 will require links...

I agree with you, my blog got have PR3 and not raising anymore. I'm using my unique article and pull traffics consistency to get to PR3 in just 2 months.