My Reddit Not appearning in NEW section


Power Member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
I submitted a reddit to Software category h**p://
My reddit is appearing individually here :


But just a second after I submitted, if I go and see at h**p://

I cannot see it
I went through all pages and cannot find it
More over when I searched, I cannot find it.

Is it like it has to get approved or something. Why am I not able to find it. Some one please help me regarding this
I can see even in the direct link. Can you see in NEW or RAISING section
Your IP has been black listed and your posts are getting ghosted. Time to invest in some Proxies
I used TOR for that
I think that is the problem
So what should I use
Where to get proxy
Please help :(


Update :

I used TOR and then when I created all accounts and submissions are blacklisted. Any more ways to use proxies. How to get a good list of proxies that work and are not banned in social networks

Plz help
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