I submitted a reddit to Software category h**p://www.reddit.com/r/software
My reddit is appearing individually here :
But just a second after I submitted, if I go and see at h**p://www.reddit.com/r/software/new/
I cannot see it
I went through all pages and cannot find it
More over when I searched, I cannot find it.
Is it like it has to get approved or something. Why am I not able to find it. Some one please help me regarding this
My reddit is appearing individually here :
But just a second after I submitted, if I go and see at h**p://www.reddit.com/r/software/new/
I cannot see it
I went through all pages and cannot find it
More over when I searched, I cannot find it.
Is it like it has to get approved or something. Why am I not able to find it. Some one please help me regarding this