My OGAds Conversions - Is this Normal?


Power Member
Sep 29, 2009
Reaction score
So I've been promoting OgAds on a movie/tv show streaming website. My current statistics for last month and this month have been 431 impressions, 257 clicks, and 10 conversions. My CVR% is only 4.25%. Is this normal for conversion rate to be this low or should I switch to a different incentive network?

Most of my traffic is desktop traffic
For movie niche it is quite normal to have a CVR of below 5%. If you do CPA offers instead of CPI you'll notice your EPC going up though.

Just scale traffic, your CVR is not bad at all :)
Your landing page is bad probably.
Man, 4.5% CVR ain’t bad , ain’t bad .
Though you can always work on optimization for increase .
Your conversion rate the problem nothing else.

Should be around 22 conversion.

Law averages of 10%
Traffic is reddit traffic. Landing page is just a typical movie website.
Anything above 4% is fine in my opinion