My New Youtube Adventure


Junior Member
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
I am looking to start a new Youtube venture using youtube and content locking ( So far I uploaded a few videos yesterday with no results. Youtube won't index them, and I have very few click throughs on the content locker. Anyway, I figured I would start fresh. I was thinking of stealing videos off other video sites (I like vimeo) and then uploading them to Youtube, hopefully some get indexed ( I'll use vagex if need be ) and then I'll drop my link for some offer. Any tips, advice, encouragement etc. Thanks, I'm loving this forum!


Downloaded Vids>
Content Locker>

I suggest joining an incentive CPA network with a content locker and setting up your own page rather than using link locks like $harecash or

You can create better landing pages when your video viewers click your link.

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Good luck, maybe you'll have better luck than me :)
I don't know. Just signed up for leadbolt, hopefully I get accepted. Right now I am just ripping videos like music videos, stupid funny videos, sports, tv shows ( obviously putting the "Due to Youtube Policies this video has been deleted, follow link below" ), and crap like that. Right now I'm at $0.00 with this method. ;)
Well in order for someone to complete an offer the content has to be desirable. Music videos,funny videos, sports videos, those are ALL over youtube, not many are going to care to go to another site and fill out an offer to see those unless it really is something worthwhile to them.

TV shows, new movies, cracks, song downloads, those can work.

Of course you can always make some nonsense which I've heard works fairely well, for example "Video Of Justin Bieber Punching A Baby" and then point them to a content locked page. Obviously there is no video, but you can put whatever.

Even things like "Nude Pictures Of Rihanna Leaked". Then on the locked page put some tit pictures of some chick or something just so people aren't totally disappointed. You'll prob be better off with your own content locker if you go these routes though, not a lot of locker networks are fans of fake or adult content.

What does think of fake content? Because all of my content is fake ;) I just refer people to some random blogger site that I put randome useless pictures on.

Plans for the next hour or so:

Find hilarious video on another video site (vimeo, metacafe, etc.) rip, and upload to youtube with link and put a few comments from fake accounts like " awesome site, good download, or survey was so easy, took 5 seconds and the site is hilarious."

Find download for some TV show, make decent clip and add "link below image" and make video like 15 minutes to increase views. Drop link to ( via url shortening of course ) and hope for the best.

I'm still waiting for leadbolt to respond so hopefully if I am approved, I can build my own site and use on page content lockers.

Hey, gotta start somewhere. I kept finding watermarked videos and uploading them, only to find Youtube rejects them and does not index( Duhh obviously). So I took down like 10 videos, and now I'm uploading original non- watermarked videos and even messing around with them myself to make them look less copyrighted. Hopefully I can build some steady traffic and make a few bucks before I upscale, build a few sites, and start making money from Content Locking & Adsense/ Clickbank. Oops, getting ahead of myself again :D