My Journey to 5k a Month


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
So this is my very first post on Black Hat World! I am mostly posting this just because I want to inspire others to do something, and also to for me to keep at it and persevere so I wont let you guys down. Anywaysss......

My Plan of Action
I am going to be using 7878's instructions. I thought his post "22 letters=17,000 profit" was just genius! So I am going to be using that. If you have not read his post just do a quick google search for it.

I have already started! So far I have sent out 30 letters to local businesses. I sent out 30 on friday so I hope to hear back from some of them in the next couple days. And if I dont hear back from them, I AM going to follow up and give them a phone call. I am so motivated to make money. I am 17 years old and I have always been infatuated with money. Not only that I have to pay for college because my family is not financially stable to afford college. My goal is to make 5k a month by June! And what the hell.... maybe I will make it before then. Wish me luck and leave comments!
Good luck man! I'll be keeping an eye on this one as 7878's method was always something I wanted to try.
I will be honest, I guess this not what you want to hear and I don't want to rain on your parade but I feel if I don't tell you the way it's you will become another so called "IM'er" that saturates the NET.

I will only speak with the best intention at heart, and this is the harsh truth. Many programs posted in here end goal is for you to buy a product or service from the OP. Yes, many information you will find it useful. There is great people here with vast knowledge. But thinking with one program, you are gonna get lucky and make a good living from the NET. The truth is probably not. While you can make money from online and work from home and be your own boss, it's a long road. Is not gonna happen overnight. Is gonna take long days of work, and lots deception.

In order to make it happen you need something, you need to learn a programming language, or skill set that will open your doors. Yes, some make money and show you a fat check and sell you a dream, but that is all to it. If you really want to make money from the NET you need to learn the ropes and don't just think that publishing all you see will make you rich.

If many of those things where truth, many of them will keep the secret for themselves If I'm making $10k a month from my own doing, while the hell do I want to share for free? Yes, like I said. You can make a living, but is not gonna be magical.

Learn from the best in here, they will share information for free. But they won't give you the magical solution, that has to come from you.

Good luck.
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Like evilclown said, learn a skill, be good at it and make money from it. Good luck!
Don't let anyone put you down, you have taken a massive step and the most important, the least you will get will be super invaluable experience.Well done for the letters, I think its a great start, keep it up and don't look back.
thanks for the kind words. im still gonna try 7878s mthod and see how it goes. wish me luck.
You know what you really didn't say is if your sales copy was ultra targeted or not. Sending cold letters has 3 cleansing cycles. The first is the mailman throwing them away. The second is the receptionist throwing them away. The third is the business owner throwing them away. If your copy survived all 3 it also has to spark a BUY NOW in the business owner. Its not about luck, its about psychology. From the words you use to present a solution to their problem, to the execution packaging and timing of the sales letter itself, to the way you get sales from prospects, is all psychology.

Hope you had awesome psychology.
A friend of mine did this and it worked out decently. Ended up with 3 clients from the first mailing of 10 letters. He did lumpy mail and got phone calls about 2 days after they were sent. Be prepared to answer the phone and explain how it's not you putting up bad reviews though, he did get accused of scamming so keep that in mind.
going to follow up with all mu prospects either tomorrow or thursday. will keep you updated. just ordered 200 dice from ebay. check oit 7878s post! great stuff.
A friend of mine did this and it worked out decently. Ended up with 3 clients from the first mailing of 10 letters. He did lumpy mail and got phone calls about 2 days after they were sent. Be prepared to answer the phone and explain how it's not you putting up bad reviews though, he did get accused of scamming so keep that in mind.
hey pm me your email! would love to talk.
havent heard from anyone yet. when should i do a follow up you think?
I followed up with 5 of the people so far. The first one i called was very rude. That didnt stop me. I called a couple more and they all said that the owner was not in the office at this point. I left a message and hope for a call back. I WAS SUPER NERVOUS! lol. gonna keep trying.