My IPTV Journey


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2018
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Welcome to my second IPTV related thread.

Here I will not go in depth into what the whole IPTV business is and how it works as I covered this in my original thread.

Here I am simply posting my new journey as I had to put my previous venture on hold due to some personal reasons and problems with you guessed it.... Payment processors etc...

What I've done so far:

I Have a re seller panel(I've had them for years personally and they're great. (Super active admins)
Registered domain from Njalla
Offshore hosting (dmca ignored)
Loaded a WordPress site with elementor
Created a free trial/home/about/setup/contact pages
Loaded the site with appropriate content.

Still need to do:

Find reliable payment processors, I've tried stripe and had issues... I've used PayPal and had issues...

Leading me to the following question, I have a new business PayPal acc. Instead of placing buy now buttons on the site, could I just create direct invoices and email them to my clients and have the transaction not happen through the IPTV site? Would this help with my PayPal not getting suspended?

Setting up alternative payment methods such as Crypto/gift cards/etc..
Setting up Google ads account
Reaching out to my 3000+ email list that was generated from my last venture
Incentivising current clients with referral offers etc..

So far so good if anyone has any feedback feel free to share.

Thanks for your time and good luck on your ventures!
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How to be IPTV resaler
Is they official sites to follow ?

Good luck your journey too
Being a reseller is easy.

You find a provider who allows reselling, you then buy a panel and credits for your subscription lines and all you need to do then is market and sell them that's all.

Of course easier said than done but that's the general gist of if.
Following good luck
Thanks mate, I plan to keep the thread updated but the hardest part of this business by far is sorting out the payment processing.

Ideally the best solution for this business model would be a crypto payment provider that allows potential clients to buy services like stripe but crypto based. The reason most people don't pay with crypto is because of the learning curve or just general fear around the whole thing.

You could always try to incentivise them to pay with crypto at a discounted rate but this still has little to no effect...

So once again the ideal processor would be a normal debit/credit card processor like stripe or PayPal.

The problem with these is they are set up as churn and burn accounts and once you use certain details PayPal flags your withdrawal details for future accs...
Update 1:

Google ads account created and ad posted. Slowly getting traction but no enquires just yet.

I have set up as a live chat widget and I'm monitoring any incoming requests with any queries potential clients may have. It's an incredible bit of kit that allows you to create shortcuts instead of typing each response individually etc...

Still trying to find payment processors that allow high risk payments, it's tough because I've had one randomly pack up it's bags and disappear in the past with my funds left in my account....

So far that's all I've got.
So far so good for the ads, just added some more keywords and waiting for them to kick in

in 12 hrs

Impressions: 38
Clicks: 5
CTR: 13%
Conversions: 0
what country are you targeting ? and what is your ad strtegy ? i am in the field myself and i struggle to get conversions. lost a lot of money on ads for few to negligeable conversions.
leave us the link to your first thread
Hi bro , google ads is not working well for IPTV since they banned the keyword IPTV.
Can you share the reseller panel you are using? You can DM it if you want.

Also, don't use PayPal, people can do chargebacks after their subscription expires which will increase the chances of your account getting suspended.

Regarding direct payment, I have seen sellers direct their traffic to a chat app like whatsapp and then fulfill orders through that.

Also, you need to cloak your ads on Google otherwise they will also suspend your account as selling IPTV services is illegal.
what country are you targeting ? and what is your ad strtegy ? i am in the field myself and i struggle to get conversions. lost a lot of money on ads for few to negligeable conversions.
leave us the link to your first thread
I feel you there in terms of loosing money but unfortunately it's part of the process untill you optimize your ad and disable certain keywords that aren't working as well as others.

My go to are always EU countries.
Hi bro , google ads is not working well for IPTV since they banned the keyword IPTV.
Yes, this will always happen as long as you use IPTV in any keyword. You needs to use keywords that don't target iptv directly. This may still get flagged but you have better chances of it not happening.
Can you share the reseller panel you are using? You can DM it if you want.

Also, don't use PayPal, people can do chargebacks after their subscription expires which will increase the chances of your account getting suspended.

Regarding direct payment, I have seen sellers direct their traffic to a chat app like whatsapp and then fulfill orders through that.

Also, you need to cloak your ads on Google otherwise they will also suspend your account as selling IPTV services is illegal.
Unfortunately my provider is very strict on the kind of users that allow reselling to so I'm afraid there is not much I can do.

With regards to direct payment is there any option you are aware of?

The way I plan to collect the money with my business PayPal account is similar except instead of doing so through a chat app I'm doing so through email.

I will also be sending them a direct invoices not a link or button so I feel it should be ok for a while.

I will have to test the waters and see from there.

Thanks for the advice and reply.
Unfortunately my provider is very strict on the kind of users that allow reselling to so I'm afraid there is not much I can do.

With regards to direct payment is there any option you are aware of?

The way I plan to collect the money with my business PayPal account is similar except instead of doing so through a chat app I'm doing so through email.

I will also be sending them a direct invoices not a link or button so I feel it should be ok for a while.

I will have to test the waters and see from there.

Thanks for the advice and reply.
No, I'm looking for a payment provider myself as I also started an IPTV site last week. Let me know if you find one and I'll do the same.
For Payment:
1 - The safest route is to send people payment links after they order (you can send link + Stripe link no problem)
2 - Setup a dummy website for a legit biz like SEO services/content writing and redirect people there to pay
3 - Use Sellix or alternative platforms that provide a popup option (I saw that on some websites, you can open many websites and check until you find one)
Where's profit?
I didn't have conversion tracking setup but I made upwards of 5K in total revenue over a 8-9 month span.

What's funny is how Google ads let me spend 1k in ad spend before doing anything to that account...