My intro...

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Junior Member
Jul 30, 2016
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Hey all,

I've recently started to become active on this forum after lurking for some time.

I and a friend have recently started investing in digital marketing. Recently we created a couple of niche/affiliate websites and spent every day trying to learn as much as we can about SEO methods/techniques.

I'm planning on making a PBN in the next couple of months and potentially a streaming service of some kind as well as expanding on the niche/affiliate websites I've already created.

My sites are starting to rank for keywords already and I must say it a good feeling and I'm excited to try hit the top spots for everything I'm doing.

There's a huge amount of information here and I'm grateful for the help that people are providing.
(disclaimer: there's also a lot of bad advice too :D)

Have a great day :)
Good luck mate, don't blast links in the sense to rank fast, build niche relevant links for steady growth.
Welcome to the forum. Not only bad (advice), but stupid as well. Recognizing the BS is the skill you have to have.
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