My IM story


Elite Member
Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone. Maybe some of you know me from my Facebook College Journey (If you've followed my journey I would like to say one more thanks right over here).

Anyways let's get on the point.

Last year I took IM seriously and from that day I was working my a$$ off every single day. I've joined last year on BHW and I was just reading the threads and tips on how to conquer the facebook (Not really conquer).

It took me a lot of time to earn first $ and after that everything started to be better..

I was doing Fiverr so I can earn some money which I would spent on video games or in game purchases.

One day I figured why shouldn't I invest that money which I was earning from Fiverr into something better and get even more back. So I eventually started investing money.

Firstly I made a fan page and once I've got some likes I've bought domain and hosting and built my first website. The design was pretty crappy since I don't have any experience and I was using Wix website builder,but it was beginning and I was happy that I had my own website.

Right after that I've started to promote my fan page on every possible social media network. I was also using fb ads with fb coupons.

Right now I have a pretty 'big' page with active audience. This was my best decision in life because now I am earning my own money and people are starting to realise that I am not a 'little daddy's boy anymore'.

This picture is so true. (I just want to say that I don't own that Instagram profile and I found that pic on google).

Keep working untill you reach your goals :)
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So you're basically running a fan page on facebook and then took it to a website and are making money via adsense?
So guys, do you see how simple it is to earn money online? Not easy, but simple. He was consistent and didn't gave up. That's why he succeeded.

Don't give up on first banned account, lost rankings or blocked link.

So guys, do you see how simple it is to earn money online? Not easy, but simple. He was consistent and didn't gave up. That's why he succeeded.

Don't give up on first banned account, lost rankings or blocked link.


Exactly! Be consistent and never give up.
Thank you!