My First Blog/Website.


Feb 1, 2013
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Hey guys, I've actually known about this forum for years and have wanted to capitalize on websites for a long time. I finally found a nice niche and started a blog. It's a sports betting/gambling themed site so the affiliate opportunities are great.

The website content, design, and writing were all things I had no trouble with. I am however struggling with SEO still, but I'm sure no one picks it up instantly.

Basically I wanted to talk about what I have already done and maybe get some suggestions for some other things to get my hits up.

I am averaging about 200 hits a day already, but none of this is from search engines.
I have signed up with multiple affiliate programs and have their ads on my site.
I have already installed all the recommended plugins etc for Wordpress.
I submitted my site to StumbleUpon
I post in several sports betting forums which I imagine is the main source of my daily hits.

I still have a few more pages I need to add, but my site is doing great for only existing a week. I am now putting my efforts into SEO and looking for other sources for hits. I'm sure there are infinite "my first blog" posts, but I haven't really been successful in learning everything I need to by searching the forums.

If I could get some links to great SEO for beginner pages etc I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time!
You should definitely check out seoforanaveragejoe, look it up on google if you wanna learn SEO.
If I could get some links to great SEO for beginner pages etc I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time!

Also requesting the same, also maybe some strategies to monetize the blog.

Monitoring the thread.
Spoon-feeding at its best. I would seriously suggest you to try Googling and using the "search" option on the right side of the forum. It may offer you with plenty of answers.