My country is broke, corrupt, war-torn...


Junior Member
May 5, 2010
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... I live in the US.

I'm 21 years old and I realize that the US is fucked up. I don't know why everyone else, including some very very intelligent people, are ignoring all these very BIG problems within the United States. I feel like the US is slowly turning into the movie "Idiocracy"

I would like - no, I'm going to eventually - move out of here. I have to.

I'm sort of stuck right now. I'm going onto my 3rd year at a major university (Go Spartans!) and my family, whom I'm very close too, is in the United States. I'd also like to finish my BBA and then get my MBA, but this country might be so fucked up by then. So I don't know!

I have a friend that moved down to Mexico and LOVES it. He said the taxes are bullshit, but then again at least we know where it's all going. On top of that he says there are large opportunities down their. On top of being a free economy, you can produce stuff for ALOT cheaper than in the United States. Given his company runs operations in the US and Mexico, he's currently saved his company $500,000/year by replacing their paint supplier from the United States, with one in Mexico. And we're only talking about a $40mill in revenue a year company. An extra %1.25 turnover in the manufacturing business is HUGE.

Any other suggestions? Am I being too naive? Too pessemistic? Any good suggestions, or (constructive) criticism, let me know.

Just a bit more info to help on some advice, I'm making a good amount of income, enough to pay the bills, splurge a bit. About 6k/month give or take a few K. I have no outstanding debt. So alot more options may be open.
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Of course it's cheaper in Mexico, it's cheaper in any poor country.
Posted via Mobile Device
People in the US wanna get out. People outside the US wanna get in. Everyone always
thinks the grass is greener on the side of the tracks.

The US has plenty of problems and it's easy to think "shit has to be better elsewhere".
Coming from someone who travels a lot and has seen the other side of the tracks in many
countries.. they all have the same types of problems that we deal with the US, and in
many cases, much worse ones too.
Of course it's cheaper in Mexico, it's cheaper in any poor country.
Posted via Mobile Device

Ummm, you really think so?

Lets look at some basic economic statistics.

2010 Mexico Statistics:
%4.1 GDP growth
Unemployment %6.2
trade deficit of $10 bln
Public debt - $272 bln

2010 United Statistics Statistics
Negative %2.4 GDP growth (Not only is the US economy downsizing, but it's actually shrinking)
Unemployment %9.7 (This means that 1/10 Americans looking for a job, cannot find one)
trade deficit of $500 bln (Wow, really? Can we really sustain this?)
Public debt - 13.2 trillion (This debt is nearly as big as the nations GDP, along with interest, do you really think we can ever pay this off?)

Please, Carvel, think before you type.
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I can agree with this for the most part. Economics aside, our society is broke. We sue other people for stupid shit. We spend billions of dollars each year on weightloss supplements. People here think having "OCD" is a problem when they don't even think about the problems that have struck Africa such as aids and malnutrition. The list goes on and on.

On top of that, theres pretty strong supporting evidence that the US is going to hit a consumer bubble. Maybe not today, maybe not tommorrow, but someday the US, to pay off its debts, will cut nearly all its public programs and raise taxes up to 60% for a few years. It's called an economic reboot.

People in the US wanna get out. People outside the US wanna get in. Everyone always
thinks the grass is greener on the side of the tracks.

The US has plenty of problems and it's easy to think "shit has to be better elsewhere".
Coming from someone who travels a lot and has seen the other side of the tracks in many
countries.. they all have the same types of problems that we deal with the US, and in
many cases, much worse ones too.
There's a reason why they're constantly trying to sneak in the border. Have you ever been to Mexico? It's a fun visit, but the average person here lives a much better life then there. If I were to live there I'd live in an Americanized part.

Go to the slumpy areas (basically the unamericanized parts), the store owners love your money, but everyone else just stares at you.

We are still a richer country in terms of what the average person has, not saying that's going to last for ever but there's more to it then just statistics.

You ever been to the projects? Have you ever taken a stroll through downtown Detroit? It's just as worse. Infact, theres only a 5% difference between the US and Mexico in terms of the poverty rate. 13% vs. 18%, US and Mexico, respectively.
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You may get a job as a police officer in Mexico.

My guess is that the northern area must be hiring on a regular basis and cost of living is low. So if you can't fight corruption why not be part of it.
With all these statistics showing them as the better side surely they wouldn't be crossing our borders everyday in search for a better life? Statistics don't tell the whole tale.

I have no doubt you would do well for yourself in Mexico, but chances are when you're making good money you're going to be living in an Americanized part of it.

This is very true. Along with being pessimistic about my own country, I can also be pessimistic about others. I can totally agree with what you're saying. :)
With all these statistics showing them as the better side surely they wouldn't be crossing our borders everyday in search for a better life? Statistics don't tell the whole tale.

I have no doubt you would do well for yourself in Mexico, but chances are when you're making good money you're going to be living in an Americanized part of it.

I don't like where America is going just as much as you, but unless you want to live on an island away from everyone or in the middle of nowhere, you're going to see the same sht no matter where you go, if not worse.

I wouldn't mind this...

And I'm not exclusively saying Mexico is where I would go, I was just using this as a mere example.
My country is broke, corrupt, war-torn...

... I live in Colombia.
My knowledge of history within the US and Mexico is shaddy at best ...

But the Mexicans run the BIGGEST Mafia Gang in the United States (LA I think?) ... coincidence?

Source: Ross Kemp on Gangs | Sky 1 HD (It was on last night!)


Thought I would add, if you're looking for peace, then why not try New Zealand?
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... I live in the US.

I'm making a good amount of income, enough to pay the bills, splurge a bit. About 6k/month give or take a few K. I have no outstanding debt. So alot more options may be open.

Wake up US people...

You should feel extremely lucky to be born there and make that much. The rest is just baby crying...
Buy yourself a country....

I hear Sealand is for sale....


build yourself a greenhouse, and grow your own veggies... Lot's of fish! :)
Wake up US people...

You should feel extremely lucky to be born there and make that much. The rest is just baby crying...

I do feel extremely lucky, however I also feel like its a curse. And the 6k is made purely because of my own online ventures where I could continue this anywhere in the world.

Please, PLEASE understand where I'm coming from. Honestly, we have 2-3 different shows in the United States that focuses on OCD/hoarding as a "big problem." It's more of the society I have a problem with than anything, but helps even more with support of the economic state we're in.
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I do feel extremely lucky, however I also feel like its a curse. And the 6k is made purely because of my own online ventures where I could continue this anywhere in the world.

Please, PLEASE understand where I'm coming from. Honestly, we have 2-3 different shows in the United States that focuses on OCD/hoarding as a "big problem." It's more of the society I have a problem with than anything, but helps even more with support of the economic state we're in.

I can definitely relate - I left the states 6 years ago and moved to costa rica. life has been awesome
Can't believe you're comparing America to Mexico.

Sure America may have a lot of problems (what country doesn't), but Mexico? That place is like a war zone at the moment. 10,000 people a year are being brutally murdered because of the drug cartels (yes it's that bad).

The economy is a joke and probably always will be. Why do you think there are 30 million illegals living in the US? It's sure as shit not because of a strong Mexican economy.

If you want to get out of America look to some where like Canada or perhaps Costa Rica. Or maybe even some where in Europe...
If your a druggie I guess moving to Mexico could be considered going to the source.......... If you do move to Mexico and make the same amount as you did here in the U.S. you will be able to live just like you would here, maybe better. If you make the typical salary for a citizen of Mexico then its a different story.

If you're not set on Mexico, look at some European countries. I have heard good things about them.
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