Google recent update make all huge websites to the top page, ebay, amazon, aliexpress etc. google want to tell you guys he is equal and not evil, so google put those big website to the top, because no other website has so many high quality backlink like ebay, amazon has. if strictly followe. google algo, then all top 100 pages of any keywords releated to B2C products will be ocupied by ebay, amzon, aliexpress etc. Actually, google doing evil things everyday in order avoid himself dead.
But actually, google already dead from B2C, and B2B business. i have did a test. some of my websites on the top page of google search in the past 6 month, e.g. iphone 5 cases, iphone cases, phone cases, cheap phone cases, wholesale phone cases, cell phone accessories, cell phone cases, mobile phone case; i got most of those keywords on top 1 page, and rest on page 2~3. but unfortuntiy, i only get arround 5000 traffic every month (based on semrush report), and i keep an eye on my online vistors every hour, but there are not a lot visitors, normally 20~60 different IP online including engine bot. my sell volume arround 3~5000 USD per month, my profit less than $500/m, becasue i cut the price down to the lowest.
that's all what i got from google traffic as the top websites on google.
i also have store on ebay and aliexpress, they report that my traffic is 600 visitors each day, that means get 5 times traffic more than my top website on google. my sell volume above 3~50000 USD. profit $5000/m, and my store are not on the top of ebay or aliexpress, the best keywords on the page 10~20 etc. of the B2C platform. you see, traffic change to order rate much higher than google.
I found google has a big defect in B2C business, that never can compete with those hugh B2C platforms. in B2C platform, you can sort price, but google can not sort price. in B2C platform, customer are feel saftey, but shopping in a independant website, they feel not safety, because B2C platform has strong policy to punish store sellor, and protect buyers much more than protect sellors. in b2c platform, buyer not only can sort, but also can find hot sell products, that big discount promotion, or best reputation stores, that all those function are that google do not have. people can not use google to find out those import information.
as i said before, when buyer first find a good plaftform, then they will stick with it, and use internal search in stead of use google. sooner or later there are will nothing need google invole in.
i believe 99.99% of independant B2C website will dead within 3 years. SEO level strong as i have, to push all those supper hot keywords to top, still can not survive whoelse can survive?
i believe the only space for a website to make living by google traffic is sell something that forbiden sell in ebay, aliexpress, amzon etc. for example, drug, gamble, fake LV bag, etc.
people who do google adver, is a kind of cheating, as how expensive google adver per click in. only the profit at least 5 times higher than product ex-works price then can survive. a person like me pay google 0 dollar to stay on top page can not suvive, how can others do business by earn a normally profit survive? no way! all those websites on top burning money are actually switch cost to consumer, to buyer. not all people like me do SEO with zero cost, most of website spend a lot money to buy seo service, so the top of google are all much expensive than the product normal market price. only stupid guys should buy products form a web who is doing google adver or on the 1st page of google, honestly- by cookman!
But actually, google already dead from B2C, and B2B business. i have did a test. some of my websites on the top page of google search in the past 6 month, e.g. iphone 5 cases, iphone cases, phone cases, cheap phone cases, wholesale phone cases, cell phone accessories, cell phone cases, mobile phone case; i got most of those keywords on top 1 page, and rest on page 2~3. but unfortuntiy, i only get arround 5000 traffic every month (based on semrush report), and i keep an eye on my online vistors every hour, but there are not a lot visitors, normally 20~60 different IP online including engine bot. my sell volume arround 3~5000 USD per month, my profit less than $500/m, becasue i cut the price down to the lowest.
that's all what i got from google traffic as the top websites on google.
i also have store on ebay and aliexpress, they report that my traffic is 600 visitors each day, that means get 5 times traffic more than my top website on google. my sell volume above 3~50000 USD. profit $5000/m, and my store are not on the top of ebay or aliexpress, the best keywords on the page 10~20 etc. of the B2C platform. you see, traffic change to order rate much higher than google.
I found google has a big defect in B2C business, that never can compete with those hugh B2C platforms. in B2C platform, you can sort price, but google can not sort price. in B2C platform, customer are feel saftey, but shopping in a independant website, they feel not safety, because B2C platform has strong policy to punish store sellor, and protect buyers much more than protect sellors. in b2c platform, buyer not only can sort, but also can find hot sell products, that big discount promotion, or best reputation stores, that all those function are that google do not have. people can not use google to find out those import information.
as i said before, when buyer first find a good plaftform, then they will stick with it, and use internal search in stead of use google. sooner or later there are will nothing need google invole in.
i believe 99.99% of independant B2C website will dead within 3 years. SEO level strong as i have, to push all those supper hot keywords to top, still can not survive whoelse can survive?
i believe the only space for a website to make living by google traffic is sell something that forbiden sell in ebay, aliexpress, amzon etc. for example, drug, gamble, fake LV bag, etc.
people who do google adver, is a kind of cheating, as how expensive google adver per click in. only the profit at least 5 times higher than product ex-works price then can survive. a person like me pay google 0 dollar to stay on top page can not suvive, how can others do business by earn a normally profit survive? no way! all those websites on top burning money are actually switch cost to consumer, to buyer. not all people like me do SEO with zero cost, most of website spend a lot money to buy seo service, so the top of google are all much expensive than the product normal market price. only stupid guys should buy products form a web who is doing google adver or on the 1st page of google, honestly- by cookman!