Multiple Websites On One Website?


Supreme Member
Feb 20, 2015
Reaction score
Hey Hey!

I've heard that building site webs is bad seo-wise and I've got one hell of a question for you.

I currently have a lifestyle development website. Self development has multiple sub sections so I have a bunch of different pages on the site. I can't make the site perfect using just the main theme so each page is a different wordpress blog.

So basically if my website was ldmdotkalm my car section would be ldmdotkalm/cars and that would be a different wordpress blog.

It's all connected. I love the way it looks but I'm worried I'm going to get dinged by google.
Any insight would be seriously appreciated.

All the best,
If you connect one blog to another blog, the header section.

It was not anything, as long as you keep the link out not too much
Main problem is long url structure,most people use subdomain blogs if they had lot of content, traffic with them. IS your blog is big as it helps in server issues if you are getting tons of traffic.
I think you're talking about multiple niche in one website. It's a bit hard to rank and like putting all your eggs in one basket. Why not try to separate them in different sites?
I will not recommend it if you are creating a solely different niche at the same domain name.

If they are connected with each other like Cars in relation to lifestyle, then I would suggest you to go with -->

But if both are not associated with each other by any mean then you must register a separate domain and host for it.
You should be fine with subdirectories in my opinion.