More than one eBay account - Safe?

I have 3 active accounts, and have never had any problems having multiple accounts, although none are selling replicas. Keep your head down (especially with the replicas) and you should be ok... Don't buy and sell between the accounts though, they will catch that.
Lol. Of course its not ok. I guarantee when one gets banned, all of them will.
I run 7 accounts.

3 are connected, 4 are not. The three that are connected are connected by PayPal only. If one were suspended, there is a high chance that all of them will. The remaining 4 run all of their own information, own IP, own name, own bank accounts, different geo locations, etc. Not traceable by eBay/PayPal. All are legal and legit.

I can easily switch any of them into my main. All have feedback of over 400, and each one sells at least 20 items a week in different categories.
Are you running 3 accounts per 1 paypal? I'm in the process of opening multiple paypal accounts to stay under the radar.

also create a new windoew user per account and change your ip everytime you log into different accounts by restarting your modem/router or use dial up which is the safest bet but it's just slow.
It's ok even to have 1000 ebay accounts...but they have to be stealth accounts and not connected in any way.
As long as the ebay and paypal detail information are same .. its ok ... 3 ebay for one paypal...but if one have problem.. all will close down...