More backlinks= Lower rank?


Regular Member
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
To all fellow blackhatters, I need some advice.

Two months ago I launched a site and have been building backlinks every since. After a month and a half ago, I had a stable ranking so I kept building backlinks. Now the site is dropping. Should I stop building backlinks?

I have a good mixture of wiki backlinks, blog comments, and contextual backlinks. Also a lot of my backlinks are reinforced. I have been aware of penguin and used different anchor texts when doing the backlinking.

I am really confused and would appreciate any help.
The site could be dropping due to algorithmic changes, or due to your backlinks disappearing.

Dont stop creating backlinks, but focus on creating only quality, permanent backlinks, as it will be more sustainable.

Experiment with different things, but ceasing your backlinking is NOT the way to go.
It's hard to tell but remember that quality > quantity.
You can't prove a correlation between # of backlinks and ranking drops. You have to study your competition and the top sites for your keyword and try to do what they're doing :)
Don't post spammy comments on abused blogs with high OBL or irrelevant posts.
i stopped the blog comments and only used them for reinforcing my contextual backlinks.
i stopped the blog comments and only used them for reinforcing my contextual backlinks.

That's good.

You're not backlinking to other web 2.0s of yours on different web 2.0s, right? This would leave a footprint which isn't great.
I did a little of that but did not connect them completely-meaning i used some open link wheels. In the past I have experienced large serp drops and then recovered but I just need to know if I am on the right track. This is my first website and have done a lot of research but things are not falling into place as I expected.
Always good quality backlinks are increasing ranking, I will suggest you blog comment never use and focus on contextual backlinks only.