Money tweets - How to do this on a mass scale?


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2014
Reaction score
I had 76 accs and i want start promote some offers and products. I want post the same money tweets every 20 accs. But i still think think is to dangerous. I heard changing hash tags is good idea. But is really hard to change hashtags in every accs and load it to fl to each acc separatly
How to do it right? maybe some different tactic?
I had 76 accs and i want start promote some offers and products. I want post the same money tweets every 20 accs. But i still think think is to dangerous. I heard changing hash tags is good idea. But is really hard to change hashtags in every accs and load it to fl to each acc separatly
How to do it right? maybe some different tactic?

Just do it that method, should take no longer than 45 minutes to do all accounts.
Nothing too hard..
I'd be wary of posting the same link across all accounts if there is the possibility it might be marked as spam by anyone. I had 250k followers across 80ish accounts and I got hit by a ban wave. Pretty sure it was the URL that connected them all together.
Post on 1 account and retweet from the other 20 maybe?
Just do it that method, should take no longer than 45 minutes to do all accounts.
Nothing too hard..
It`s hard to prepare all tweets to each account. I mean only changing hashtags its take too much time. And after that you must load this tweets accros all accs separately. Its takes all day or more to do this :P

I'd be wary of posting the same link across all accounts if there is the possibility it might be marked as spam by anyone. I had 250k followers across 80ish accounts and I got hit by a ban wave. Pretty sure it was the URL that connected them all together.
Check option to makes link uniques in FL is not enough?

Post on 1 account and retweet from the other 20 maybe?
No i dont want do this. I want post link on all my accs. RT with accs its too dangerous i guess.
But its enough? The same content and the same images.
Im curious how other people do this. But no one want share this knowledge :)
Post on 1 account and retweet from the other 20 maybe?

Don't do this, you will get banned sooner or later.

Like select said I'd use 4/5 different short urls and get yourself an article spinner then add the tweets in FL with spintax. That way most tweets will be slightly different.
Do you think 2 different short urls per 10-15 accs is ok?
What kind of spinner you use?

But still i must create tweets for each acc and load it. How exackly you do this?

Few day ago i create money tweets for 3 days (2 money tweets per day) for 11 acc.
I do this like this:
1. Create 6 money tweets
2. For every tweet i create 11 version of this tweet. I just change hashtag
3. I use different shortener or different url for every acc
4. I load this tweet for every acc

Its take 2 days of work to do this. And its only for 11 accs and for 3 days!
If i want create for one week for one acc probably it will take more than week to do this!
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Imo, I think it's dangerous unless you separate all using proxies.

Money Tweet: 1 each per hour & RT with half an hour intervals - nothing really hard if less than 100 accounts per se
I read this journey but i didnt find answer to my question. Maybe you know where i can find answer?
Commoner. I said that i dont want RT my tweets. I dont want give twitter any print that this accs are conected.
Can't you just add the tags in a spintax so in each post it would chose different tags?