I liked how LeBron showed up and despite not really having the superior clutch genes like Jordan and other greats have, he compensated that with his will to win and relentlessly putting his body at risk (not to mention bulldozing everyone with the same drive, bump and shoot move).
Anyway, I'm not really rooting for any team in the Finals. I just would have liked the OKC to win because they played great basketball versus Spurs but the team play against Heat was simply atrocious. With that regard, I am happy for LeBron (him only, not the Heat) since he finally got one and he proved himself that he wanted it by the way he played.
As for the Heat, I didn't like the fact that they won a championship simply because they went over the luxury tax by putting 3 superstars in one team. I am a fan of drafting, training, nurturing players and then resorting to great team play + great coaching for them to win a championship (having 2 superstars at max).
ANYWAY, end of my rant. LeBron happy for you but not for the Heat. OKC, don't worry, you are still young.