Methods: Easy ways to make at least 3.000 usd a month


Power Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Hello everyone, since I have seen so many people asking for real ways to make money they can spend to put bread and bacon on their tables I have decided to share a few methods that work and have worked wonders for me in the past. These might not be new or very skilled but all of these work if you go out and get your butt to work! ;)


The CityDir method. + Craiglist sales reps.

1. One option is to create a mixed type of business or service offline and online, think of a Plastic surgeons directory or a city, regional directory or any kind of similar web project you can offer or get sales with brick and mortar businesses in your area, you can even find sales reps to help covering the areas and closing deals for you, etc Think of something like etc - If you get to close 3 sales a day for your directory for a full year at 99 usd thats almost 300 usd daily profit for you.
Think if you have at least 3 more sales guys "Reps" in your state/province or city, closing deals for you!

The old good Vending lazy guy.
2. Think of some sort of vending machine type of business this type of business requires little maintenance and candy are easy to buy cheap and refill. Be creative when and where placing the machines, clubs and bars work great! The good side is that you are feeding your pockets DAILY with real ready to spend Dollars, again even if just a few $$ that's REAL money in your pockets, no bitcoins, no payzaa no points, etc
You can find and buy second hand vending machines for half its price at Ebay or Craigslist, etc or just do some google research.
NUMBERS.. If you buy 10 vending machines at 200 usd each that's just 2.000 usd in expenses!! If every candy or bubble gum machine produces an average of 4-5 usd /day that's, 40-50 usd extra dollars for You every 24-36 hours.. that's around 1.200 - 1500 usd a month for you minus candy/gum/condoms, expenses. the rest goes to you and your family for food, etc and that's almost Passive income to enjoy..!

The Smart, marketing middle man.
3. Another thing to try would be to create a local marketing firm. then go out and Partner with some sort of high in demand service companies. Think of a home repair company, mechanic or plumber, etc in your area..
Offer them some sort of FREE marketing service plan, online/ offline partnership at no cost, as long as they give you a reduced price and or Commission for every sale or new customer you get them...
Start with social media, flyers, local events, newspapers, FB local ads, Clubs, etc offering public a reduced Coupon, deal, or a free home repair estimate... be creative.
Tip.. You do the visits, make the estimates and or close the deals.. if you know how to do that if not just ask your partner for some info and quick training. Every company needs an extra sales guy that charges no salary!!
In a month time if you get just say.. 5-7 new customers at 1.500 usd each average invoice each that would make 10.500 usd in sales. If you get 30% commission of that. you just made 35000 usd or more for Yourself and that just for playing the middle (marketing) man role, target a high in demand service in your city or area.. this works also with chiropractors, dentists, car dealers, even lawyers!! You see the potential here?

Anyway, if you feel like you need more tips and details feel free to PM me..

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Also I would like to add that there are plenty of city directory themes you can use, WordPress is the platform of my choice everytime
Just want to pick at your second option here.

You've not taken in to account the fact that wit vending machines apart from the initial cost of the machine you also have the following -

- General Liability Insurance
- Restocking the machine
- Commisions paid the local business your machine is attached too (Between 10% / 20%)
- Taxes, You'll need a tax licence to run a vending machine, also decal stickers to show it's been registered. Also depending on your state you may also incur additional taxes on the revenue generated with the machine.

Oh and the big clincher is the official website for vending machine business and the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) released a survey in 2015 stating that it's considered that a vending machine earning just $15 a MONTH is a top earner and the average earning vending machine is a top location that is earning $25 a month is seen a real prime location.

So it's pretty clear that this method is not an "easy" way to make money nor is it actually a very good one. As even if you were in a prime location you'll earn about $100 a month after all fees on 10 machines. I don't mind methods getting posted but do your research first.
Regarding the vending method, please take note of the following:

1. Please take note that the Methods I suggested here are not for US citizens Only... as you know Vending machines are all over the world. Here where I sit cheap bubble gum machines make around 4 usd per day but this is a touristic city I live.. (not US).
2. From my experience a nice way to waive the local owner % fee is to give a CHARITABLE reason to your machines, think of Food for an animal shelter where a % of the sales is donated, most shop owners will just have to agree to your vending with this type of deal.
3. In several jurisdictions (talk to a smart accountant 1st) taxes are close to zero when you run a small or family business. An investment that is under 2.000 usd shouldn't generate a lot of taxes if any.
4. Restocking the machine is just an obvious part of the game!!

My post was not meant to be an step by step post... But an Inspirational thread looking to simply en-light the minds of smart entrepreneurs on where and HOW to take action on their localities.

All the best!
None of those are easy, and all are already cornered by large existing companies, like vending machines.

Anything is EASY in life but to be lazy..
Also TRY to BE creative instead of negative.
Vending is a whole industry and industries can always accept or take new players as long as they are willing to make a place for themselves.
Think of new ways of vending like: POKEMON Souvenirs if that's hot in your area..etc. $$$
Thanks for the share, although most methods are not too scalable.
Thanks for the share, although most methods are not too scalable.
- Directory method is very scalable to the point of getting the same city administration interested in acquiring your business as happened to me..
- The vending machine way to scale the business is quite easy to see buy and place more machines once you are over 20 machines you are set for long passive income.
- The middle man for marketing is easy to scale the more customers you get on contracts the more money you make, then sell the business for 2 years income, etc

No wonder why a lot of people here is not successful online nor offline...
Vending business is great depending where you live and if your route is close to home. A lot of guys do not declare all of their income. (Pockets stuffed with cash) They collect air miles from costco. (Free annual vacation...maby) BUT one big downfall is the government! Because some times they change over the money design/weight and the owners need to replace the validator. That is why in canada a few years ago a lot of the vending machine businesses were on the market for cheap. Because they upgraded the money multiple times in like an 8 year strech. Now we have plastic see through money. Lol Apperantly they have some new updatable ones but last time I checked they ran like 800-1200 CAD per unit. So is it worth it? I guess it all depends how good your locations are. Schools, big office buildings etc.

As for the directory businesses, the possibilities are endless. It just involves work. I was putting together a directory list with adresses few months ago for my niche. It took me a whole week to make a list for my area wich is about four cities near me. And I only got about 70 percent of the businesses. And because of the email advertising and telemarketing laws I have to go in person to the business and pass them a flyer (I choose not to mail it because when I show up in person I can answer certain questions and close a deal on the spot and it seems more professional in this niche). So the workload is a lot.
Did you really just give the advice of lying about being a charity? You do realize they will ask for a charity registration number right?

If the best you got of how to make money is "Lie about being a charity for sick animals" then you got many problems buddy. Being blackhat is one thing, being a lying charity stealing prick is another.

Regarding the vending method, please take note of the following:

1. Please take note that the Methods I suggested here are not for US citizens Only... as you know Vending machines are all over the world. Here where I sit cheap bubble gum machines make around 4 usd per day but this is a touristic city I live.. (not US).
2. From my experience a nice way to waive the local owner % fee is to give a CHARITABLE reason to your machines, think of Food for an animal shelter where a % of the sales is donated, most shop owners will just have to agree to your vending with this type of deal.
3. In several jurisdictions (talk to a smart accountant 1st) taxes are close to zero when you run a small or family business. An investment that is under 2.000 usd shouldn't generate a lot of taxes if any.
4. Restocking the machine is just an obvious part of the game!!

My post was not meant to be an step by step post... But an Inspirational thread looking to simply en-light the minds of smart entrepreneurs on where and HOW to take action on their localities.

All the best!
Did you really just give the advice of lying about being a charity? You do realize they will ask for a charity registration number right?

If the best you got of how to make money is "Lie about being a charity for sick animals" then you got many problems buddy. Being blackhat is one thing, being a lying charity stealing prick is another.

Its quite obvious to me now Darren that you have trouble reading slowly.. I never mentioned scamming anybody!

I said you should partner with a local charity and in fact donate a % of the profits..
Step 1. You walk to your local shelter and ask if they may take a donation from your vending business 100% of the time they say yes.
2. You get flyers and stickers from the charity and make sure the shop owners approves them on the machine to be placed.
3. People see the charity ads and feel compelled to BUY from your vending
4. You visit the shop for the week and talk to the store owner or assistant to verify the % you are giving is right, in my case I will then just donate directly from my iPhone to the charity of choice via their website in front of the shop owner eyes! They are happy we all are. This simply tip can easily triple your earnings and NO you will not be doing anything wrong.
Did you really just give the advice of lying about being a charity? You do realize they will ask for a charity registration number right?

If the best you got of how to make money is "Lie about being a charity for sick animals" then you got many problems buddy. Being blackhat is one thing, being a lying charity stealing prick is another.

Charities... hmmmm find the most common charity that you always see advertising and look up CEO salary... then check the CEO'S bonus. I have seen one that is a million dollars a year. Im not going to name them. (Personally I would never take more than an average salary if I was operating a charity)

I saw a cool charity "business"... in my province we have clothing donation bins that private charity companies placed on private property with high traffic. By law charities must spend at least 3.5% of whatever they get (there are a million loopholes). So people donate a lot of stuff like skiis, bikes, treadmills, tvs etc. especially high income neighbourhoods. So all the new clothing that is worth something gets sold online or to thrift stores. The stuff that has "damage" on it gets cut up at a different company...the cottons get washed and bleached. Then they package them in a clear plastic bag and sell them as shop rags that retail about 50+ dollars a pack at the chain/local hardware and auto parts stores. They have polyester mix ones and cotton ones. Only issue I have noticed is people coming and taking stuff that is layed down by the clothing bins and a few homless guys diving in the bins(i saw feet dangling from the hole twice) so good locations, you would probably want to pick up often from them. (When I donate clothing, I actually go to a homless shelter and hand it off to people in need) so you can only imagine what other things some of these charities do to make a buck.
Charities... hmmmm find the most common charity that you always see advertising and look up CEO salary... then check the CEO'S bonus. I have seen one that is a million dollars a year. Im not going to name them. (Personally I would never take more than an average salary if I was operating a charity)

I saw a cool charity "business"... in my province we have clothing donation bins that private charity companies placed on private property with high traffic. By law charities must spend at least 3.5% of whatever they get (there are a million loopholes). So people donate a lot of stuff like skiis, bikes, treadmills, tvs etc. especially high income neighbourhoods. So all the new clothing that is worth something gets sold online or to thrift stores. The stuff that has "damage" on it gets cut up at a different company...the cottons get washed and bleached. Then they package them in a clear plastic bag and sell them as shop rags that retail about 50+ dollars a pack at the chain/local hardware and auto parts stores. They have polyester mix ones and cotton ones. Only issue I have noticed is people coming and taking stuff that is layed down by the clothing bins and a few homless guys diving in the bins(i saw feet dangling from the hole twice) so good locations, you would probably want to pick up often from them. (When I donate clothing, I actually go to a homless shelter and hand it off to people in need) so you can only imagine what other things some of these charities do to make a buck.

Thanks for your views despite these are not closely related to the subject of this thread.
Please note I suggested to go and partner with a LOCAL shelter or charity, think of a small dogs shelter in your area, etc.

All the best!
cool clickbait title.
as for the methods, nothing new but if helps somebody make money then cool. personally i wouldn't put time into any of them. tried them in one form or another in the past and it just did not work out.
Its quite obvious to me now Darren that you have trouble reading slowly.. I never mentioned scamming anybody!

I said you should partner with a local charity and in fact donate a % of the profits..
Step 1. You walk to your local shelter and ask if they may take a donation from your vending business 100% of the time they say yes.
2. You get flyers and stickers from the charity and make sure the shop owners approves them on the machine to be placed.
3. People see the charity ads and feel compelled to BUY from your vending
4. You visit the shop for the week and talk to the store owner or assistant to verify the % you are giving is right, in my case I will then just donate directly from my iPhone to the charity of choice via their website in front of the shop owner eyes! They are happy we all are. This simply tip can easily triple your earnings and NO you will not be doing anything wrong.
A lot of charities will n
Hello everyone, since I have seen so many people asking for real ways to make money they can spend to put bread and bacon on their tables I have decided to share a few methods that work and have worked wonders for me in the past. These might not be new or very skilled but all of these work if you go out and get your butt to work! ;)


The CityDir method. + Craiglist sales reps.

1. One option is to create a mixed type of business or service offline and online, think of a Plastic surgeons directory or a city, regional directory or any kind of similar web project you can offer or get sales with brick and mortar businesses in your area, you can even find sales reps to help covering the areas and closing deals for you, etc Think of something like etc - If you get to close 3 sales a day for your directory for a full year at 99 usd thats almost 300 usd daily profit for you.
Think if you have at least 3 more sales guys "Reps" in your state/province or city, closing deals for you!

The old good Vending lazy guy.
2. Think of some sort of vending machine type of business this type of business requires little maintenance and candy are easy to buy cheap and refill. Be creative when and where placing the machines, clubs and bars work great! The good side is that you are feeding your pockets DAILY with real ready to spend Dollars, again even if just a few $$ that's REAL money in your pockets, no bitcoins, no payzaa no points, etc
You can find and buy second hand vending machines for half its price at Ebay or Craigslist, etc or just do some google research.
NUMBERS.. If you buy 10 vending machines at 200 usd each that's just 2.000 usd in expenses!! If every candy or bubble gum machine produces an average of 4-5 usd /day that's, 40-50 usd extra dollars for You every 24-36 hours.. that's around 1.200 - 1500 usd a month for you minus candy/gum/condoms, expenses. the rest goes to you and your family for food, etc and that's almost Passive income to enjoy..!

The Smart, marketing middle man.
3. Another thing to try would be to create a local marketing firm. then go out and Partner with some sort of high in demand service companies. Think of a home repair company, mechanic or plumber, etc in your area..
Offer them some sort of FREE marketing service plan, online/ offline partnership at no cost, as long as they give you a reduced price and or Commission for every sale or new customer you get them...
Start with social media, flyers, local events, newspapers, FB local ads, Clubs, etc offering public a reduced Coupon, deal, or a free home repair estimate... be creative.
Tip.. You do the visits, make the estimates and or close the deals.. if you know how to do that if not just ask your partner for some info and quick training. Every company needs an extra sales guy that charges no salary!!
In a month time if you get just say.. 5-7 new customers at 1.500 usd each average invoice each that would make 10.500 usd in sales. If you get 30% commission of that. you just made 35000 usd or more for Yourself and that just for playing the middle (marketing) man role, target a high in demand service in your city or area.. this works also with chiropractors, dentists, car dealers, even lawyers!! You see the potential here?

Anyway, if you feel like you need more tips and details feel free to PM me..

These are labour intensive and need front investment, most people on here are looking to make money online with little upfront costs
A lot of charities will n
These are labour intensive and need front investment, most people on here are looking to make money online with little upfront costs

Everything requires an investment either in form of time, money or both
Real entrepreneurs will see the potential here and jump from one method to the next one.
The Directory method requires almost no investment and you can easily have promoters by placing a few Craiglist ads in your area once sales start coming you pay the commissions, etc. I used to make 200 usd per day average by owning just one Dir site that later on I sold it to the city local chamber of tourism once I had around 250 businesses registered..
