Method to Earn Quick Ca$hh


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I have started a method recently, but don't have time to scale it up. I guess, you might bank with it, as I get some $$$ with it - if it is already shared, please Mod remove it - as I never saw it here.

What I did exactly :

- Have A FB account (fake girl with decent pictures, sexy but not too explicit)

- Create a personal fan page for that fake girl profile ===> Ex: HotBaby or MyPrivateLounge

- Get some cheap likes (you can buy them here on BHW at the BST sections)

- Block access to post on your wall ; add statistic iFrame, and call the welcome page : "my pictures"

- Put couple sexy pictures (design it with paint or gimp) on one page, and have it fit FB wall - on this design, put something like "more pictures >>>"

-Anchor your image with your webcam adult link, when the person click on any of the pics or the "more pictures >>>" they will be redirected to the offer

- Insert a content locker onto your fan page in order for the user to get access to your pics (say something like :" too many bots have visited my profile and sent me unwanted messages, please verify if you are human - blablabla)

I'd like to post some pictures for you , guys, but I am really taken with couple stuffs, and I am actually using the method, I don't want you to rip my lp lol - but, you can ask any questions, if I need to send you screenshot or pic example, I will just pm it to you...

Long Life Blackhat World!
The content locker will get the page deleted/banned....

Best to direct to an outside site and lock it there, just my two cents.
Its an idea, needs to be a little reworked but i may try this out tomorrow.
hey, thanks!

maybe you can share some tips how to drive traffic to this page after everything is setup?
i mean not cheap likes, but traffic witch will make us money:)

Yep, that intrigues me too, how to drive traffic to these hot babes pages, maybe having the wall asking the visitor to "LIKE" the page before getting to the spicy pics? but then again, people are keeping-off on liking hot girls pages because of their wife/gf :)

hey, thanks!

maybe you can share some tips how to drive traffic to this page after everything is setup?
i mean not cheap likes, but traffic witch will make us money:)

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The content locker will get the page deleted/banned....

Best to direct to an outside site and lock it there, just my two cents.

I appreciate the two cents, but it depends on how you implement it ; when I talked about content locker, I referred to the pictures the dudes want to see :) - Mine is still live --> 9 days now :D loool

Nice explanation. Can I get picture ?

a example (picture) would be great :D

please send me a picture and more info to my pm

Hey Guys, I am sorry, but I can't provide it, to avoid the banhammer from couple networks that I am using --> for the content locker, MetaHead has a great one :) (you do the rest) .

Well, 2 of you will receive a clone of my actual page, to avoid it get ripped :P - check your pm (if you haven't seen it, that means I didn't send it) ; if you find it, please do not post it in public as it contains infos that might get me in trouble :)- and please do not forget to confirm you have received it ;)

Its an idea, needs to be a little reworked but i may try this out tomorrow.

You have the idea mate, twist it and bank with it!

hey, thanks!

maybe you can share some tips how to drive traffic to this page after everything is setup?
i mean not cheap likes, but traffic witch will make us money:)


I appreciate you liked it - well, you can find threads here on bhw on how to get ewhore traffics . Personally, I outsource it :) ; pm me, I will give you details --> he is a Jr Exec. Vip user here, he can also pm you...

Yep, that intrigues me too, how to drive traffic to these hot babes pages, maybe having the wall asking the visitor to "LIKE" the page before getting to the spicy pics? but then again, people are keeping-off on liking hot girls pages because of their wife/gf :)

Nahh, the likes are to not appear a newbie, as they build more trusts :) ; well, you drive the dudes to your fan page, which is a personal page of your "fake" pics, which contains the content locker = $$$$, when they will see the "more pictures" button, they will be redirected to your adult aff. link and bank again ;)

Got it, and no guys I wont share it so DO NOT pm me about it.

However,I understood the concept from beginning, I thought of something similar before yet the only thing that stopped me from doing it was the lack of knowledge in getting traffic to this girls/pages..

@jegolove I appreciate it man, nice setup you got there!
My Pleasure man, now TAKE ACTIOn!

Got it, and no guys I wont share it so DO NOT pm me about it.

However,I understood the concept from beginning, I thought of something similar before yet the only thing that stopped me from doing it was the lack of knowledge in getting traffic to this girls/pages..

@jegolove I appreciate it man, nice setup you got there!
Very interesting idea, will try it out for sure. Not certain how to design that lp, could use some heads up. However, I appreciate your input for this method as it seems to be somewhat unique. Now time for me to brainstorm how to drive traffic.
As looked at your demo, it looks nice. Photos are good :P