[Method] promote CPA/ Any products using Facebook


Regular Member
Aug 16, 2016
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Before I begin, I want to make a declaration that I am not affiliated to @shezboy nor endorses his/her product. This method is simply a guide that I find useful to share. Some people might already be using this method but on my part I have used Google (site:blackhatworld) to check if this method was revealed previously. Since there was no previous mention of this method, i decided it might be a good idea to share here.


Things required:
1) Facebook Fanpage related to your niche for promotion
2) Hosting
3) Domains (2 to be exact)
4) Web designer/Programmer
5) CPA offers/ product to sell
6) FB Likes Jacking Ninja from @shezboy (http://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/fb-like-jacking-ninja-v4-2016-edition-get-free-facebook-likes-to-your-pages-and-sites.720835/)

Step 1:
Build a fanpage with your offers. This is where you need to use custom domain (do not use URL shortener nor ugly affiliate links) You want to look professional here and also to avoid Facebook ban when you do advertising later.

Build fake movie streaming site/ anime streaming site/ live soccer streaming site/ live comic/Live drama streaming site. Basically contents that are time sensitive where people will search on Google using advanced search [past few hours]

The logic for this is because your site will usually get higher ranking due to demand of searches by public. Do not try to monetize this site. Install FB Likes Jacking Ninja and set the target likes to be from countries that you want for your Fanpage. Ignore other countries that are none relevant traffic. Jack the likes to build up your fanpage. Since these are real people, you will be able to extend the reach of your fanpage.

Step 3 (Optional):
Advertise on Facebook using sponsored post (as these post will appear on newsfeed). In terms of targeting I would suggest @abradabra service. He is a top notch professional for Facebook. Expensive if you are just starting out but definitely worth it once you grow your business.

Risk: As you are like jacking there is a big chance that your fanpage can get shut down if caught. So use with care.

Potential: For hot topics like latest episode Game of thrones for example, you can easily jack 5k - 8k likes in a matter of 2-3 hours. And this is very powerful method of marketing.

If you find this method useful, please share around. If you have more variation to add, feel free to comment. If you think this method don't work, don't waste your time reading. :)
With that amount of likes in a few hours on a new account you'll get banned by the next morning. However if you have a big fan page then this method will work.
With that amount of likes in a few hours on a new account you'll get banned by the next morning. However if you have a big fan page then this method will work.

Certainly, you have to control the flow of the likes. And this can be easily controlled via the jack liker. Alternatively just use a crash and burn technique. Create another fanpage and repeat the method.
Potential: For hot topics like latest episode Game of thrones for example, you can easily jack 5k - 8k likes in a matter of 2-3 hours. And this is very powerful method of marketing.

What is the most number of likes you have jacked in a day? Did you get confirm like block?
Yea but the website has to rank...so if it doesn't, you have to put money into ranking it. Otherwise every live stream website would be on the front page.
I want to make a declaration that I am not affiliated to @shezboy nor endorses his/her product

To be honest, I thought the 'boy' part of my username would have been indication enough that I am a 'him' :) but not to worry and thanks for pointing out the non-affiliated status.

I would like to add to your method that if you are going to use FB ads to get traffic to your site where the Like Jacker is installed is that you MUST wait until your ads have been approved and running for a couple of days before you install the Like Jacker on that site.

If you need to edit the ads for any reason than make sure that you remove the Like Jacker from your site before you edit the ads and then wait for 24 hours AFTER the ads have been approved again before installing the Like Jacker back on the site.

What is the most number of likes you have jacked in a day? Did you get confirm like block?

There will always be a limit to the number of Likes you can jack to a site and it will spend on how new the FB Page is and how many Likes it is already getting. Jacked Likes are a great way of getting extra likes as you can blend them in with the Likes your page gets from other channels.

FB has clamped down on what it allows when it comes to using sites on FB and it hates .xyz domains and it is very trigger happy to block domains that are less than 4 weeks old so bear that in mind with any type of FB marketing.


Yea but the website has to rank...so if it doesn't, you have to put money into ranking it. Otherwise every live stream website would be on the front page.

I think the OP was looking at trending terms where Google tends to rank sites that have the latest on the topic.

Well the issue here is that people just apply this method blindly without any creativity. Look, I don't spoon feed. Instead I show you a possible method that you can expand on. Remember this, I won't reveal 100% of the method so you need to adapt and change according to your understanding. And this method does not really require much offsite SEO but you DO NEED Proper onsite SEO so that Google can index your content.

And like @shezboy correctly pointed out, like with care and do not over abuse.
The problem with this method is (and i have done a lot of trending SEO) is that your sites will be outranked by the bigger more authoritative sites and by the time you get first page of a trend the trend is (almost) over, and especially with popular TV series and sport events, if you don't have a huge PBN or access to a fair amount of strong links then don't even try this, cus changes are that that the trend you're hunting is being hunted by thousands upon thousands of other webmasters, a domain and a GSA blast are not going to get you there anymore (sadly those days are over)

Thanks for the method OP
The problem with this method is (and i have done a lot of trending SEO) is that your sites will be outranked by the bigger more authoritative sites and by the time you get first page of a trend the trend is (almost) over, and especially with popular TV series and sport events, if you don't have a huge PBN or access to a fair amount of strong links then don't even try this, cus changes are that that the trend you're hunting is being hunted by thousands upon thousands of other webmasters, a domain and a GSA blast are not going to get you there anymore (sadly those days are over)

Thanks for the method OP

The trick lies in the choice of the niche that you are targeting. Too many people simply apply the method blindly without creativity. Example, I could be targeting a local nightclub event that is happening in a few week time or a scandal.
Are you doing it with cloaking ?
Facebook is too much strict nowadays