Mass check links for follow/nofollow?


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Is there any tool out there that can check a big list of urls for follow/nofollow ?
I'd absolutely love to, but work has me snowed under at the moment.
I didn't realise there was a demand for a tool like that, so as soon as I've got a day free to play, I'll stick it online for you. Handy!
I am looking for a tool like that myself, someone mentioned linkscraper but haven't checked it out.
yeah, Fast Blog Finder, but its 100 bucks, i bought it because i do alot of commenting so i kinda need it for people that want custom packages or something.
maybe look into that, just google it, the free version doesn't show you do-f0llow or no follow, so you would have to get the paid version.