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Market Samurai - SENuke - Different Results


Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

So I am trying to find new niche keywords to build some sites upon and I am using both senuke's niche research section and market samurai.

I find a keyword which I feel will be fairly decent to try and capture using market samurai first. I check the seo competition and essentially make sure most are low PR's with low page backlinks. I also find those that have no focus on keyword/URL/Descrp/Header at the moment - so I can knock them out.

But then many times when I find one with alot of green, Senuke tells me "Dont Waste Your Time"

Whats up with this...? Who am i supposed to believe, lol
im finding lately that market samurai's top 10 results doent match at all google.com's top 10s
like 7 out of 10 are completly different.
Market Samurai is also supposed to look up into google.com since ive checked english and all countries and territories in the project settings
Well one thing I did notice about market samurai - well, more so its google's fault.

If you search the term : fulerton (mispelling) for instance. Google will automatically show search results for fullerton (proper spelling). Therefore it appears the term has a very competitive niche when in fact it probably is easy picking. But then...whats the point of easy picking a term that everyone is automatically redirected to another term.

Any other input guys?
I don't use Senuke's tool anymore because I'm pretty sure (last time I used it) that all it does is look at intitle results in ranges and spits out its difficulty scale. You can really do this in MS if you just check mark the intitle option. Also, I never base whether to go after a keyword on only the intitle results - that is stupid in my opinion because there are other factors to consider.

I would go with the market samurai seo comp module results. The video tutorial on their site explain more, but basically I go by:
-Low PR at least in a few spots.
-Low age
-Low backlinks to page
-Low amount of authority sites ranking or at least room to squeeze in
-I don't really worry about on page seo factors because those have nothing to do with a time limitation. You can create a page that is just as good for on page seo, but you might not have backlinks/authority/etc.. and won't get to page one.

That is about it.

Remember, never base your decision off of what other people say. Go take action and try it out. That is the only true way to see what works.