Manually written an article in spintax - how does it go into spinnerchief


Registered Member
Jan 25, 2011
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Hi - call me mental but I spent all day yesterday handtyping an enormous article and then went through it manually adding spintax.

Now that I've got this crazy insane labour intensive mega article, how do I actually spin it in SpinnerChief?

I get how to spin an un marked up article, but what do I do to have it spin my already spintaxed copy?

I've loaded the txt article with all my spintax in it but it just outputs a bunch of cack with all the spin brackets still in place. Plus it's changed all the commas to squares.

There must be a way and I'm {just not seeing it|thick as mince|a full on retard}
spinnerchief 4.33 doesn't spin the Words in {}. But the new update in this week will has an option to do this.

Hi - call me mental but I spent all day yesterday handtyping an enormous article and then went through it manually adding spintax.

Now that I've got this crazy insane labour intensive mega article, how do I actually spin it in SpinnerChief?

I get how to spin an un marked up article, but what do I do to have it spin my already spintaxed copy?

I've loaded the txt article with all my spintax in it but it just outputs a bunch of cack with all the spin brackets still in place. Plus it's changed all the commas to squares.

There must be a way and I'm {just not seeing it|thick as mince|a full on retard}