Manage backlinks


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2013
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How do agencies manage backlinks? Do they have software for this?
What do you mean exactly with "managing backlinks"
Traxr if you want to know which links are indexing (for example, although you can do this with other free tools like greenlane)
Which other aspects are you thinking on?
What do you mean exactly with "managing backlinks"
Traxr if you want to know which links are indexing (for example, although you can do this with other free tools like greenlane)
Which other aspects are you thinking on?
If have a 1000 backlinks, 100 for each client. How to manage this easily
I wrote simply MYSQL + PHP system for this showing customer's backlink or mine. I will make index checker tool too but IDK how can I do this trying to do with python.
If have a 1000 backlinks, 100 for each client. How to manage this easily
But what I don't understand what do you want to manage?
What to send a list to each customer of the backlinks you created?

Elaborate more.
But what I don't understand what do you want to manage?
What to send a list to each customer of the backlinks you created?

Elaborate more.
if they er still up, indexed, easily attach each backlink to the proper client
How do I check on a weekly base if they are still up with a spreadsheet?
Consider that most a agencies use Ahrefs that gives all this functionality but is not cheap

If you want to do it with excel, there is SEOTools for Excel

Also if you know how to use Google Spreadsheets you can add and use this function to check this in Google Scripts

function isIndexed(page,ignoreCase) {
  var urls=[],RETRIES=5;

  var url=''+encodeURIComponent(page)+'&fp=1&dpr=2&sns=1&pf=p&tch=1&filter=0';

  try {
    var serp=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,{muteHttpExceptions:true,method:"GET",followRedirects:true});
    var result=serp.getContentText().split('/*""*/');
    var searchResults,serpResults,isIndexed=false;
    for(var i=2;i<result.length-1;i++) { //loop through where result might be in various permutations of SERP
      serpResults=searchResults.d.split('<h3 class="r"><a href="/url?q=');
      isIndexed=findIndexedURL(serpResults, page, ignoreCase);
      if(isIndexed) return "Yes";
    return "No";
  } catch(e) { return "No"; }

function findIndexedURL(serpResults, page, ignoreCase) {
  for(var i=1;i<serpResults.length;i++) {
    var resultURL=decodeURIComponent(serpResults[i].split('&amp;sa=U')[0]);
    if(resultURL==page) return true;
  //*debug*/return urls;
  return false;
How do I check on a weekly base if they are still up with a spreadsheet?
In this case you would need some script designed which will be hosted with you and will do that task.
That can be done regular using cronjob.
Consider that most a agencies use Ahrefs that gives all this functionality but is not cheap

If you want to do it with excel, there is SEOTools for Excel

Also if you know how to use Google Spreadsheets you can add and use this function to check this in Google Scripts

function isIndexed(page,ignoreCase) {
  var urls=[],RETRIES=5;

  var url=''+encodeURIComponent(page)+'&fp=1&dpr=2&sns=1&pf=p&tch=1&filter=0';

  try {
    var serp=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,{muteHttpExceptions:true,method:"GET",followRedirects:true});
    var result=serp.getContentText().split('/*""*/');
    var searchResults,serpResults,isIndexed=false;
    for(var i=2;i<result.length-1;i++) { //loop through where result might be in various permutations of SERP
      serpResults=searchResults.d.split('<h3 class="r"><a href="/url?q=');
      isIndexed=findIndexedURL(serpResults, page, ignoreCase);
      if(isIndexed) return "Yes";
    return "No";
  } catch(e) { return "No"; }

function findIndexedURL(serpResults, page, ignoreCase) {
  for(var i=1;i<serpResults.length;i++) {
    var resultURL=decodeURIComponent(serpResults[i].split('&amp;sa=U')[0]);
    if(resultURL==page) return true;
  //*debug*/return urls;
  return false;
How do I do this in spreadsheet?
How do I do this in spreadsheet?
Google Scripts.

But better go the paid option with Excel. This is not trivial. And the paid option is not expensive