Making money with youtube traffic


Registered Member
Apr 18, 2009
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hi, i dont post much but i read the forum a lot and thanks to those who post good info. this whole internet thing is interesting to me and i have been working on the internet for a while. ive done mostly small scale stuff, ive made money with google ads, and adultfriendfiner traffic from youtube videos. right now im working on doing things on a larger scale with the youtube videos, but i find nothing converts. i have tried many things. the videos ive put up dont have a lot of views yet so maybe i have to wait for that. im thinking maybe i need a lot a lot of traffic for conversions. ive used adultfrienfinder but it doesnt make a lot of money anymore, ive tried adult sites, and other dating sites all to not that great of a result. i havent given up on them yet like i said the videos dont have a lot of views yet. im looking for something new to send the traffic to maybe. i know the best stuff mostly no one says anything about, because the less people know the better. i am interested in hearing other people thoughts though. thank you.
You should promote free stuff with youtube i.e. email sumbits, free trials.
This type of offers is avalible in many cpa networks. I recommend maxbounty or if you don't have any experience with cpa marketing.
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Yup as said above free sign ups work best with youtube as in no CC.
hi thanks i am familiar with maxbounty and a bunch of cpa networks. you think non adult offers work with adult oriented videos on youtube? i am using wegcash right now with not much response. maybe they have been overused. i also use cecash. i am going to use a maxbounty offer and see what happens. thanks.
i am directing my traffic to a zip submit offer from maxbounty
You need to target people. A guy interested in enlarging his penis won't complete a survey to win a pair of ugg boots. ;) That's why adult traffic won't work with non-adult offers.
Youtube is full of micro niches, just go and find one.
Good luck!
Posted via Mobile Device
You really need your videos to start going viral before you start seeing any significant gains..

I'd say once you get a video to get about 1,000 views per day minimum, then you will start seeing earnings. Focus more on your videos that start to take off.

It can be hard sometimes to get videos to go viral. Using the right keywords can help with this. Also, uploading videos on certain times of the day and week can also play a small role.

Just do what I normally do... hire people who have videos that already have lots of views everyday and pay them to put your links up.
thanks i have a little experience with this and i know what you are saying i have to wait for the videos to get more views, i had some videos that had millions of views once but it was for something else. it takes time, and numbers. interesting stuff though. im looking at other stuff too. i want to think of some new stuff im studying the internet a bit. i find the best way to find things that work is to surf a little and look around.