Making Money with a Hookah Website?


Registered Member
Aug 7, 2010
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I chose this niche because it's something I know, but I am finding there is not much money in it, so I am looking for some advice.

I am doing affiliate links right now, and I think there might be better ways of making money.

I cannot post a link to my site yet, but it's hookah reviews.
Are you aiming for certain keywords to rank with? Free Traffic is the best traffic :)
here is some fro you
Hookah , hooka , Argila , Arguila , Arguileh , shisha , chicha
and you can add those country names in front in each since they are the best ( user review lol )
Egypt , Syria , so it will be something like Egypt's Arguila , Syria Shisha ....etc
hmmmm how to monotize that , you can do both offline and online
Online : you can sell as an affiliate the hookah and the tabacco in different flavors
there is some new tabacoo without necotine so it s more herbal then anything else , you may try to find some sellers for that and work with them
Also adsense can be used .
If you target your traffic locally you can sell Space Ads for local cofees and hokka places
or you can generate a list and talk with one of the cofee's owner to give them a 10% discount so you guys can track how you r campain are doing . and if you will be lucky enough to get him customers and there is no reason why you wont . you can propose to him to make up a website and such ....
Just my 2 cents :)
Should I use xrumer to build backlinks? The site is only 3 weeks old.

Right now I review hookahs and shisha and accessories, I write 100-300 word reviews and then post/link to them on my facebook and twitter with have about 20 fans/followers each.

Should I be submiting my articles to other sites as well?
Should I use xrumer to build backlinks? The site is only 3 weeks old.

Right now I review hookahs and shisha and accessories, I write 100-300 word reviews and then post/link to them on my facebook and twitter with have about 20 fans/followers each.

Should I be submiting my articles to other sites as well?

Depending on your budget and expertise, I would also look into using Scrapebox.
Eh, unless your ranked for some heavily searched terms, it probably isn't lucrative enough to even spend time on. If you are dropshipping it is a different story because the margins are way higher, but if you plan on making money via affiliate sales I would just pass this niche up, unless, like I said, you plan on bringing in some serious traffic. Just my opinion.

Here is some math for you to think about

Let's say you have an 8% commission on what you sell

500 visitors a day @ 1% conversion rate = 5 sales per day

200$ product @ 8% commission rate = 16$ a sale

16$ a sale X 5 sales per day = 80$ a day

As you can see, it is more optimal to go for products that have a 150$ + price tag on it. If you can get 1000 uniques a day, than you would only have to have a product priced around 75$ to get the same result; however, if it were to still be around 150-200 dollars, than you could end up making 160$+ per day with that amount of traffic.

That twitter & facebook thing sounds like a very weak attempt (no offense) because you probably don't have the resources to attract a lot of customers via social media. You should probably just pick a new niche with higher priced products, and find a decent keyword with at least 5-600 exact searches per day. You could obviously split this up between 3 keywords, perhaps going for 3 different easier keywords that have 300 ish exact searches a day each.

Anywho, if you need any help you could always PM me. Good luck :D
All the back links and seo will never help you if you have a bunk niche. If you are doing it for the $$$, try something else. If you have something that you just want to contribute to the www then continue to write. Personally I HATE hookah smoke and wish the trend would die. Have a great day!
Hookah/Shisha gets a few million searches per month, so I thought it would be a bit more lucrative than this.

Sounds like I need to fine another niche, maybe some video game type site.
Hookah/Shisha gets a few million searches per month, so I thought it would be a bit more lucrative than this.

Sounds like I need to fine another niche, maybe some video game type site.

No no no dude why are you picking these niches... How exactly do you plan on going about getting traffic despite whatever niche you are choosing?

Review sites are fine, but pick a niche with high priced products

Unless you are getting large amounts of traffic, a video game sale is not going to make you much money at all.

Go to, look through all their crap, find a product with a 200$ ish price tag, and go from there. Off the top of my head: rifle scopes, binoculars, night vision, baby crib, couches, dressers, lamps...

Obviously those would be the top level niche, but you can find keywords that have less competition by doing research with market samurai (always look at exact searches).

Here is a basic outline of what you should do

1 - pick a decently priced product (100-200 range) ( ,, for ideas)

2 - do research and find low competition keywords with decent exact search levels (try to get at least a combined total of 500 exact searches per day when adding up all your keyword traffic levels)

3 - build a blog/review site focusing on the product niche you chose

4 - begin back linking using the keywords you chose as anchor text
Thanks DustinX, I am taking your advice and looking for products on Amazon, but their affiliate program only pays 4%, not sure if that's a good idea?

I looked into a few "best sellers" on Amazon over $200 but they only get 200-300 searchs according to Wordtracker/Adwords tools.
Thanks DustinX, I am taking your advice and looking for products on Amazon, but their affiliate program only pays 4%, not sure if that's a good idea?

I looked into a few "best sellers" on Amazon over $200 but they only get 200-300 searchs according to Wordtracker/Adwords tools.

You can easily get 6-7% + using their performance based structure (based on how many sales you make per month)

You don't have to stick to the best sellers, just start clicking around and you will find a plethora of product niches you can go into.

Check out this link ->

Let's say you found out Grills would be a good niche to research ( I personally wouldn't really go for it because it is pretty seasonal). Head over to google's external keyword tool and put in Grills. Then uncheck broad search results and check exact. If you can find a 3 word keyword with 15,000+ exact searches monthly than that would be something great to go after. Even 2 word keywords are doable, you just have to check the competition. Okay so anyway, here are a few keywords I found by just looking at grills.

Electric grills (33k exact searches)
Barbecue Grill (33k exact searches)
Weber Gas Grill (33k exact searches)

And if you check out Weber Gas Grill, you would find that is number 2 in the SERPS, and buying an exact match domain is a great way to get up there quick.

You can quickly throw up a good looking amazon store using the software found at

There is a free version that gives you 9 out of 10 sales

Don't get too overwhelmed with picking a niche - it isn't too hard because there are soooo many out there. Literally just take a piece of paper and spend an hour jotting down as many things as you can, just take a look around you. Anything over 100 bucks is perfectly fine. Tables, lamps, chairs (computer, office, kitchen, living room), beds, fans, blenders, DVD player, etc. If you brainstorm you can come up with a bunch, and then use the external keyword tool on exact match settings to filter through the ideas you had.

So, one more time just to clarify:

- 15,000 + exact searches monthly

- preferably 3 words in the keyword

- low competition (multiple factors. use market samurai to check out the backlink numbers and PR of the top 10 - also don't forget to analyze the anchor text of the backlinks using MS)
Thanks again for your reply, I really apprecieate the help.

I am going to spend the next day or two researching differnet products to market and see how it goes.

Are there any products you would avoid?
I think you can make good money if your listed on the first page, but that's not gonna be easy you should start with other keywords and work your way up once you learn more.

Hookah would be a hard niche
I am listed on the first page for "hookah reviews" already and starting to rank better for keywords like "buy hookah" and "shisha reviews"
i used to sell alot of shisha pipes on ebay a couple of years ago,i was 1 of the top sellers of them for awhile,until the supply died off.i shifted so many because the sellers on there were so expensive & the pipes were to good for what most people actually wanted them for,smoking with.i sold a less ornamental pipe for around a third of the other sellers & blew them all away.i think this went on for about 18 months or so & posted them all around europe so theres definately a market for them.try another angle with them mate,maybe sell them on ebay & then send a link to your site in a mail confirming youve posted the item or put a leaflet in the box of every sale you make telling them about all the flavors they can buy or the accessories.
I got a few more coversions this week, up to $40 in 3 weeks. I am ranking well on a few keywords and getting hits from google and yahoo, I am not ranking on bing though.
why not setup your own shop, and dude, sort me out with some coconaras