Making money from leads from leadfeeder, any help?


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2020
Reaction score
I get about 150 leads a day from leadfeeder. Leads are to companies and the banking sector and the goal is to sell advertising on our website which is not just a website but or less a forum.

All competing sites and blogs have only a fraction of the traffic and audience than what I have but they sell much more advertising space then I do.

The competition does not use Google AD service they sell AD's directly to the B2B customers that I want and which are almost the same as I get from leadfeeder.

How would you go about it, any input?
hmmmm I assume no one is using leadfeeder or can tell about it, shame first impression was it was useful tool but if no one has any comment it may be useless which is what I came to right now!
You can try contacting lead broker companies and sell to them directly