Making BIG money from Vanity numbers, any thoughts?


Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

I see from time to time, auctions and other sites, that sells "Vanity numbers". (You know those "call 555-1-PIZZA" numbers...).
Some of them has an asking prize of many MANY thousands of dollars. Some even in the hundred thousand dollar range.

Do any of you have an idea of what these vanity numbers actually go for?

I've seen that just simple numbers "555-1-1234" typically range from 50$ to a few hundred. But the numbers with "names" has some extreme asking prizes...

I'm wondering it could be some big bucks to be made if you get hold of one of these numbers...
I see that some telephone operators lets you choose between a small subset of numbers when you sign up for membership. I'm thinking that in some of these subset, there might be gold :)

Any thoughts?
Could make a lot of money, are you talking about flipping the numbers?
Could make a lot of money, are you talking about flipping the numbers?

Yes, that was the initial thought...
I'm thinking that if there is actually some money potential in this, it still wouldn't hurt to much to discuss it here.
In order to make this happen, I guess you more or less would need to be living in the country where you plan to sell the number. Since it is probably much easier to purchase the numbers in the country where you're actually a citizen.
I'm thinking that sites like ebay and similar is probably the best way to sell them. If you don't have a _very_ popular website.
How much is your Username worth OP? :yup:

That's a good question :D. Perhaps you are up for a challenge?
Many kudos and a big fat like, to the one who can find out :)

Well, to be honest, it's actually not _that_ difficult to find out.
There is an Android app called "NameMyNumber" on the google play store. (It's a free app).
If you enter the number in the app, it should help you to figure it out :)

That's actually the app that I'm planning to use when I go out hunting for Vanity Numbers.
It's pretty diffcult to figure out if a given number can spelled like a "Vanity Number". But with the app, its very easy.

So now I only need to hunt down some good numbers and get buckets for $$$ in my pocket :rolleyes:
There is currently a vanity number on ebay with a asking prize of 75000 USD...
New way to monetize on internet. Now we need to expect domains with numbers only :)

:D Haha, now that's a thought...
I don't think I'll go for that idea, not just yet.

For those wondering about my ID: 24466639
2 = B
4 = I
4 = G
6 = M
6 = 0
6 = N
3 = E
9 = Y

See? It's a vanity ID :cool::rolleyes:
They are worth what someone is willing to pay for them. Simple as that.

If you have a vanity number that is appealing to someone they will make an offer based on what it's worth to them.
:D Haha, now that's a thought...
I don't think I'll go for that idea, not just yet.

For those wondering about my ID: 24466639
2 = B
4 = I
4 = G
6 = M
6 = 0
6 = N
3 = E
9 = Y

See? It's a vanity ID :cool::rolleyes:

The fact you had to spell it out suggests otherwise.

As far as the value of elite phone numbers, they don't have the same kudos as they used to.

Back in the day, we all remembered all our phone numbers, so a vanity number was noticeable. I've had them myself in the past. Not any more though.

These days, we no longer remember numbers. Our phones do it for us. Even if someone I know had a special number, I would have no idea because I never dial it or remember it or even see it.

Ultra elite numbers will always have value, but getting your hands on them is going to cost you a lot to start with.